sstaub / Ethernet3

Ethernet library for Arduino and Ethernetshield2 / WIZ550io / WIZ850io / USR-ES1 with Wiznet W5500 chip
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Ethernet3 + watchdog #56

Open SanSanysch opened 1 year ago

SanSanysch commented 1 year ago

Thank you for cool job!!! I read all closed issues, but not found answer. I use several arduino(micro, nano, mega) + W5500 in my home automation, and discovered: if include <avr/wdt.h> for watchdog and then eth-client is trying, but can not connect to remote server (web- ftp- mqtt-) (communication problems, packets loss... errors...) - arduino freezes -> watchdog is triggered -> loop reboot! Endlessly! Even if i install wdt_enable(WDTO_8S) - does not help, too little time. Ethernet.setRtCount(1); Ethernet.getRtTimeOut(50) - it also does not help. Without watchdog, eth-client wait about 30...33 seconds. I checked it. Version of the library is the last. You can check on example WebClient.ino Maybe i 'm doing something wrong? I'm not so strong in programming... but I'm learning!