sstcam / sstcam_nsb

Issue tracking and script storage for SSTCAM investigations of night sky background
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Worst Case Scenario Investigation for Temperature Fluctuations #12

Closed STSpencer closed 3 years ago

STSpencer commented 3 years ago

It was mentioned on the call today that one useful thing (even if dealing only in relative brightnesses) would be to determine the maximum possible temperature fluctuations across the camera.

An NSB run that might be suitable for this purpose for a whole camera (under 'science' conditions with gaia min mag 15) has already been performed (results can be found here), which is the worse observing scenario I can possibly think of (Eta Carinae under full moonlight). Here's what that fov looks like:


And here's what the corresponding map of the camera pixel intensities looks like:


The corresponding fluxes are found in the csv file here.

This issue is to discuss what analysis of this data might be useful.

STSpencer commented 3 years ago

I've run another nightmare run on Eta Carinae (results/etacarnightmarev2), this time for 16/5/2022 at 7am for consistency with the latest results in #7, now with added values in Hz for both pixels and target modules. It's even worse than before, largely because of a full moon. This can be seen in the associated all sky plots image

Pointing at Eta Carinae under these circumstances would be an extremely daft thing for an operator to do, and there should probably be a safety in the DAQ to prevent something like this happening in reality, but the pixel values look bad in Hz: image and mean values per TM image