sstone / amqp-client

[THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN ARCHIVED AND IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED] Simple fault-tolerant AMQP client written in Scala and based on Akka and the RabbitMQ java client
MIT License
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Publish messages getting dropped #86

Open anindyaju99 opened 8 years ago

anindyaju99 commented 8 years ago

In one of my applications I am generating an array of messages and iterating over them and pushing them (Publish) to the producer.

I am creating the producer as follows - val deadLetterOption = config.deadletter match { case true => clientProps ++ Map("x-dead-letter-routing-key" -> config.deadletterRoutingKey, "x-dead-letter-exchange" -> config.deadletterExchange) case _ => clientProps } val ttlOption = config.ttl > 0 match { case true => deadLetterOption ++ Map("x-message-ttl" -> new Integer(config.ttl)) case false => deadLetterOption } val channelParameters = Option(ChannelParameters(1)) val exchangeParams = ExchangeParameters(name = exchange, passive = false, exchangeType = "direct", durable = true, autodelete = false, clientProps) val queueParams = QueueParameters(queueName, passive = false, durable = true, exclusive = false, autodelete = false, clientProps) val producer = ConnectionOwner.createChildActor(connection, ChannelOwner.props(channelParams = channelParameters), timeout = timeout.second) Amqp.waitForConnection(system, producer).await() producer ! DeclareExchange(exchangeParams) producer ! DeclareQueue(queueParams) producer ! QueueBind(queue = queueName, exchange = exchange, routing_key = queueName)

I am getting the following in my deadletter watcher -


When I generate 100k messages, I get this dropped messages for > 10k messages. I am using unbounded mailbox (unless this library uses some other mailbox from code).

What could be the reason for these drops?

sstone commented 8 years ago

Hi, Sorry for the delay, I was off in the mountains! And sorry for asking a basic question, but are you sure that your producer program does not exit before all messages have actually been pushed to the broker ? (see for something similar). Is there a way that you can package a small, complete sample so that I can try and reproduce the problem ? Thanks

anindyaju99 commented 8 years ago

I am absolutely sure that the producer program has not exited, because when I am testing locally my producer and consumer actors are in the same executable.

I will try to reproduce with a self contained example.

anindyaju99 commented 8 years ago

This might be a bug in the way the producer actor is killed. For this specific use case I iterate over the messages and send them to a producer. Once the loop is done I send a PoisonPill message to the producer. It seems the producer actor and the RMQ channel is getting closed before the messages I have already sent are sent to RMQ.

For now I have added a delay (thread sleep) after sending the last message to producer actor to delay issuing the PoisonPill.

Let me know if this information helps in finding the issue.