sstrigler / JSJaC

JavaScript Jabber Client Library
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Connecting problem #44

Closed pokal4u closed 11 years ago

pokal4u commented 11 years ago


I am using Js-Jac ejabberd+openfire I am unable to connect getting below error code;503 type:cancel condition:service -unavailable

Please help Pokal4u

rraptorr commented 11 years ago

Would you consider providing some more information about your problem? Because right now there is little anyone can help as there are no details of the problem. How does your setup look like? Have you read "Hints on Usage" section in the README and followed the instructions? What do you mean by "ejabberd+openfire"? You cannot use both at the same time.

pokal4u commented 11 years ago


Mycode is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

JSJaC Simple Client ```


Backend Type

and out put: ![jajac](
rraptorr commented 11 years ago

You still have not provided details of your server setup. Also you didn't answer my questions. Unfortunately I cannot help without you providing those answers.

And please use code formatting (or gist) as the above is completely unreadable.

rraptorr commented 11 years ago

Also, you can try to uncomment the JSJaCConsoleLogger (set the log level to 4) and see what is shown in the JavaScript console.

pokal4u commented 11 years ago


I am using ejabbered server

I followed the same process

added /http-bind/ redirect in .htaccess

uncommented JSJaCConsoleLogger and set to 4 does't show any errors

can i send ejabbered details?

please help me

Thanks Srinivas

rraptorr commented 11 years ago

If you have enabled JSJaCConsoleLogger then you have a lot of debugging information in JavaScript console (not in the browser window). Have you verified that your ejabberd server works with normal XMPP client? Have you verified that your /http-bind/ redirect is working properly?

pokal4u commented 11 years ago


ejabbered server worked fine. I checked with strophe.js and candy.js and sent messages successfully (but i am facing anonymous user login connection failed).

I am checked debugging information in javascript console (please find attached image) jajac1

Please help me


rraptorr commented 11 years ago

It seems that you have not enabled the debugger as otherwise you would have a lot of log entries there. Please make sure that you have enabled it correctly (you have to uncomment the JSJaCConsoleLogger line but you also, obviously, have to comment out the default empty function assigned to oDbg object).

pokal4u commented 11 years ago

Hi, ok now enabled the debugger

and how can i start bosh module?

Please check attached image jajac4

and comment below line //oArgs.authtype = 'nonsasl';

getting below error



rraptorr commented 11 years ago

As you can clearly see in the debug log, you have not enabled BOSH module on ejabberd (message "BOSH module not started"). Start by enabling it:)

pokal4u commented 11 years ago


Thanks for reply

I started bosh module. now getting below error

Please check attached image


and comment below line //oArgs.authtype = 'nonsasl';

getting below error


Please help me


rraptorr commented 11 years ago

You are using invalid username "". This is the whole JID, username is only the part before @, so use only "admin" as username.

pokal4u commented 11 years ago


I am using username as 'admin' but getting same error below


Please help me Thanks

rraptorr commented 11 years ago

Are you sure you have set up account properly? The server also gives such response for non existing accounts.

pokal4u commented 11 years ago


Now working fine, but not supported multiple tabs

I am used simpleclient.html uses resource "jsjac_simpleclient". and simpleclient1.html uses resource "jsjac_simpleclient1".

run two files in two tabs

getting below error in on tab and another tab connected successfully An error occured: Code: 401 Type: auth Condition: not-authorized

Please help


rraptorr commented 11 years ago

Please do not post the same problem in multiple issues. It really doesn't help anyone trying to make sense from what you write.

Also, it is considered good practice to inform other people that your problem was solved and to close the issue.