sstur / js2php

JavaScript to PHP source transformation
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Questions about future direction #1

Closed matthewrobb closed 7 years ago

matthewrobb commented 9 years ago

Firstly: cool project!

I am curious what your plans are going forward. I understand that there is a great deal of differences to smooth over when transpiling from JS to PHP however here are my thoughts:

I had some more thoughts as I was playing with things but I have to run, if I remember I will post them in this thread.

sstur commented 9 years ago

Hey Matthew. Thanks for checking out my project!

I like your ideas, especially using esprima-fb which is what we use at Facebook to support classes and arrow functions and all the nice ES6 stuff that is solidified in the spec and not likely to change. I plan to support that in js2php, but not till after I get through most of my current ES5 todo-list.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this in the long term, but I do know this:

I could understand breaking the runtime and the transpiler into two git projects. That makes a lot of sense, but I don't have a compelling reason to do it at the moment.

Now the bigger question is reconciling this project and it's goals with @endel's js2php which has different goals. The world could really use a much lighter-weight syntatically simple compile-to-php languange, and it could be a subset of ES6 like @endel is doing. I've actually thought many times while working on this project: wow, there's really a case for a simplified PHP with all the built-in-functions modularized and object-orientified, and some of the legacy ugliness fixed (error handling, lexical scope, etc).

Take for instance the hundreds of global built-in functions! It uses up so much namespace, and it's not chainable so you have nested calls like:

$a = strtolower(array_join('-', array_slice(array_split('/', $array), 1, 2)));

Wouldn't it be nicer to write:

a = array.split('/').slice(1, 2).join('-').toLowerCase()

That reads in the order it executes and you don't have to worry about parenthesis matching and all that.

Or take for instance $data = file_get_contents('file/does/not/exist') which doesn't throw, instead it returns false... what does that mean? File doesn't exist? or the directory doesn't exist? or permission denied? Well an E_WARNING gets logged to the console, but what good is that to my application logic? There's a round-about way of overriding all warnings and intercepting them in a global set_error_handler but that's not very developer friendly!

Or take for instance, variable scope. Since PHP never had proper variable declaration like JavaScript's var there's no clear way to statically determine where a variable's scope starts and ends! So they put that burden on the developer by introducing the clumsy use statement.

$a = 1;
$f = function($b) use ($a, $log) { $log($a + $b); };

This could all be smoothed out in a transpile step!

But I'm not sure @endel's project goes far enough (yet), I'd like to see it really re-think PHP. And I'm not sure the name is right (it doesn't really accept JS but a PHP-variant who's syntax is a subset of JS). He's solving a fundamentally different problem than I am and although we could share some parsing and codegen logic, I don't know if it would be worthwile to "merge" the projects, but I'm totally open to the idea.

Anyway, I'm happy to accept pull requests, particularly for inlining operations that would benefit from it. But keep in mind one of the core principles of this project is to produce readable PHP (not beautiful, but readable) for debugging and the sanity of the future developers.

Please feel free to contribute!