ssu-readinglists / readinglists

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Can design a link in myCourse so students click and shows all weekly readings within unit? #42

Closed ssu-readinglists closed 10 years ago

RogerEmery commented 11 years ago

Propose add a Reading List link to the top links area.

sample list of reading lists: the number is the moodle courseid

It would be more elegant to only show the link when a reading list (or lists) were present and visible in the unit page. query would be along the lines of if this returned a result then show link....

SELECT * FROM mdl_course_modules WHERE course =89 (courseid) AND module = 28 (reading list module) AND visible =1

I picked course id 89 as that has lots of lists and is the test page for refworks.

Following demonstration/discussion with Lauren and Hannah it was agreed that the link should show the list page view only when there are multiple reading lists, but link straight to the individual reading list when there is only one list visible. Also discussed encouraging tutors to make better use of topic headings in unit page and description fields in reading lists module to provide better context when multiple lists are shown.

Non urgent, but relatively easy feature to action. Reassigned to Daran for further development on a non-urgent / low priority basis.

RogerEmery commented 11 years ago

no idea why the above has a really big H1 bit in the middle...?

ostephens commented 11 years ago

These text boxes use Markdown - and that uses the convention that a line containing two or more '=' signs means the line above it is a heading

RogerEmery commented 11 years ago

ah! hmmmm :-?

forbesandy commented 11 years ago

Have noticed some units have the link at the top of the page (as it was back in the day!) with all readings

dadaran commented 11 years ago

The reading list link at the top of unit pages is now on the dev & staging server only... didn't mean to alarm you Andy!!

museli commented 10 years ago

No particular passion for this enhancement, but at least we know how to do it.