I hope this finds you well.
This is Michael, an experienced blockchain full-stack engineer with 5 years of smart contract/dApp development experience.
Having worked at Notional Finance, Penguin Finance as a smart contract/founding engineer so far.
I am interested in your company and would like to contribute with my skills.
Is there any opening developer vacancy?
Hi @vadiminc @alexstolr,
I hope this finds you well.
This is Michael, an experienced blockchain full-stack engineer with 5 years of smart contract/dApp development experience. Having worked at Notional Finance, Penguin Finance as a smart contract/founding engineer so far. I am interested in your company and would like to contribute with my skills. Is there any opening developer vacancy?
Here, I am attaching the links for your reference.
https://flowcv.com/resume/gmb6gvi2b6 https://twitter.com/incregeni