sszaber / nodemcu-lcd-shield

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Errors with the 2 files INO #1

Open titou4307 opened 4 months ago

titou4307 commented 4 months ago

Hello Sorry for goes out this topic very very late after 2022

I have done the wiring but I have two errors : I think this is due to new version of Arduino but I am new bee

LcdShieldButton Error

Shield_eng Error

You can help me ?


sszaber commented 4 months ago

i was compilating all 2 scripts now. I dont have problems, but i see you use 1.0 Nodered. I was used 0.9 NodeRed, Maby here is problem. Zrzut ekranu 2024-02-18 182643 Zrzut ekranu 2024-02-18 182844

titou4307 commented 4 months ago

Hi I have found the problem in the sketche "shield_ENG.ino"

It needeed to a line at the end :

return 0;

Sketch become :

#define SELECT_KEY   1
#define LEFT_KEY     2
#define DOWN_KEY     3
#define UP_KEY       4
#define RIGHT_KEY    5

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
const int rs=D1, en=D2, d4=D4, d5=D5, d6=D6, d7=D7;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs,en,d4,d5,d6,d7); //select the pins used on the LCD panel

int menuPos = 0;

String menuLines[6] =
  "Main Site",
  "Server IP",
  "Get Data",

void setup() {

  lcd.begin( 16, 2 );


void loop() {

   lcd.print(">"); lcd.print( menuLines[ menuPos ] );
   lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print( menuLines[ menuPos + 1] );

   if( getKeyID() == UP_KEY ) menuPos--;
   if( getKeyID() == DOWN_KEY ) menuPos++;

   if( menuPos < 0 ) menuPos = 0;
   if( menuPos > 5 ) menuPos = 5;



int getKeyID()
  int aRead = analogRead( A0 );

  if( aRead > 500 ) return 0;                //no key is pressed
  if( aRead > 420  ) return SELECT_KEY;      //select key 
  if( aRead > 350  ) return LEFT_KEY;        //left key
  if( aRead > 300  ) return DOWN_KEY;        //right key
  if( aRead > 150   ) return UP_KEY;         //up key
  if( aRead < 30   ) return RIGHT_KEY;       //right key

  return 0;

And all was OK

sszaber commented 4 months ago

O thank you for your advice. I was corected this file

titou4307 commented 4 months ago

And thank to you for the project

claude (from france)

sszaber commented 4 months ago

Thx for advice. Slavo from Poland :D