st-one-io / node-red-contrib-s7

A Node-RED node to interact with Siemens S7 PLCs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Compatible with Logo 0ba8? #5

Closed finn112 closed 7 years ago

finn112 commented 7 years ago


is this node also compatible with the Siemens Logo 0ba8? If so, what changes are necessary? How do I control virtual inputs of the logo?

Are there any instructions?

Many thanks for your help!

gfcittolin commented 7 years ago


Unfortunately, this is not possible right now. As far as I know, we'd need to be able to set the local and remote TSAP numbers to initiate a connection with Logo devices, but the library we use does not support it right now.

Actually, this is not complicated to implement, but we unfortunately have no Logo device so we could test with. If you have this possibility, Pull Requests are welcome!

finn112 commented 7 years ago

Hello gfcittolin,

I have a logo. I also like to help. What do I have to do exactly. How do I find the requests?

finn112 commented 7 years ago

Sorry, first use. :-D

gfcittolin commented 7 years ago

Hi @finn112

I've prepared some code for you to try out. Please do the following:

So now you might have a slightly different version of the node, allowing to select different "modes" for connection. Please then try using the TSAP mode for connecting to the Logo (should also work with S7-200 series). Remember that the node's Remote TSAP is the PLC's Local TSAP an vice versa. Maybe these instructions from Siemens may help

If you get a connection... cheers! :) You can try out reading data from the Logo then. I've never used a Logo directly, so I don't know exactly how these Virtual Inputs are mapped, but I remember reading somewhere that it maps to a DB1, so maybe you could try with addresses like DB1,X0.0 and so on.

If something goes wrong, try running Node-RED in verbose mode by running node-red -v. This enables verbose mode of the underlying library, so we can try to see what went wrong. You can also see the needed changes by checking the differences between master and tsap branches in both netsmarttech/node-red-contrib-s7 and netsmarttech/nodeS7.

Looking forward the results of your test! 👍

gfcittolin commented 7 years ago

@plcpeople maybe you also want to check this out...

plcpeople commented 7 years ago

This is interesting, I hadn't considered communication to these PLCs with the nodeS7 library.

I see some virtual memory address info at this address But I have not verified any of this as we don't have one of these for testing either.

Note that as it is now, nodeS7 uses a local TSAP of "0100" (looks like this should be 0200 for the Logo) and a remote TSAP that starts with 01 and the second part is the slot number, which defaults to 2 but this is usually specified as a connection parameter as it usually depends on the type of PLC.

If the sample code works I will merge the TSAP code in to the nodeS7 library as this could be very useful for others.

finn112 commented 7 years ago

Hey gfcittolin, hi plcpeople,

Thanks for your help. I uninstalled the node. But i can't install the other version.

I have do this two actions: npm install nodegit npm install git

What is it for a Git?

plcpeople commented 7 years ago

Try something like: npm install git://

finn112 commented 7 years ago

I had node-red running on a windows system. Have now changed to the Raspberri Pi 3. Tomorrow I'll try the communication.

gfcittolin commented 7 years ago

It looks like you don't have git installed on your computer. As an alternative, you can just download everything as a zip file from git, unpack it in your node-red installation, and just run npm install from inside it. Note that it must be inside your Node-RED installation, that is: either in the node_modules folder where node-red is installed, or inside the node_modules folder of the node-red's user directory (%HOMEPATH%.node-red in Windows)

finn112 commented 7 years ago

Hi guys,

I have tried the following: Logo and Node, as can be seen in the pictures. This guide I have still found, since it is apparently the same. Unfortunately I could not see any change in the node.

What comes next?

logo1 logo2 logo3 node3 node1 node2

gfcittolin commented 7 years ago


Well, it looks like you already got a connection, and this is very good! Half the way already!

Maybe you can try setting the addres of Q1 to DB1,X1064.0, this way it should map correctly to the VM area of the logo. But I have to say I'm not into the internals of Logo, so maybe there's something else.

Tip: You can also run Node-RED in verbose mode with -v flag or by setting verbose: true in settings.js of Node-RED. This turns nodes7's debugging on and we can see more details about the communication.

Also: Do you see any errors in the Debug tab of Node-RED, of then in the console, when running Node-RED?

finn112 commented 7 years ago


it works! I just had to change the address. After the weekend, I will deal with the other direction. Thanks a lot!

1 2

gfcittolin commented 7 years ago

Excelent! I'm very happy it worked for you. I'll clean up some things and merge/PR the work in the master branches, as it should be backwards-compatible with installations that do not set the TSAP fields directly.

Please keep us informed about the other tests you're going to make :)

gfcittolin commented 7 years ago

Hey guys,

The TSAP functionality just landed in 1.3.0. Some minor fixes and other functionality (like import/export the variables) have also been merged. You should now be able to use it with Logo by issuing a simple npm install node-red-contrib-s7 or by using Node-RED's interface.

Thank you by helping improving the node and by testing it!

ImeaHungary commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, I was try out the latest version with the Logo!8 and digital I/O can read perfectly, but it is strange that is work in any TSAP setting (now is not so big problem for me). But I still can't read the analogue values..... I mean Analog input (AI 1032 ~ 1064) or VM... It could be good to read the NAQ (Network Analogue Output) 1406~1469 64 bytes... this values can read from the - maybe just the setting was wrong... Can somebody give me some experience? The kep

ImeaHungary commented 7 years ago

The above picture shows that the analogue flags are now set in my Logo, but I can't reach it from Node-Red...

plcpeople commented 7 years ago

What address are you using in Node-Red to try to get this working? DB1,INT0 should get VM0. DB1,INT1118 should get AM1.

ImeaHungary commented 7 years ago

Dear plcpeople! Thank's for your reply - you are right - it is working by your suggestion!

gfcittolin commented 7 years ago

Thanks @plcpeople for helping out! 👍

As soon I get some time, I'll try to write out a small readme with some instructions on how to correctly define the address for both the S7-300/400/1200 and for the Logo 8, so it may get easier for everybody when configuring the addresses.

Ideally we may also get a kind of address validation/translation at the time of configuring the S7 Endpoint on Node-RED, I just need to find the time for doing this :)

DuncanCT commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to control network inputs? Or any inputs for that matter with Logo!8?

gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

I don't think you can control (write to) network inputs, just read them. In any case, the address would be starting at DB1,X1246, according to the already mentioned

Let us know if you manage to do it :)

DuncanCT commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I don't know enough about this stuff but I'm hacking around at the moment trying to get it to work and the only thing I've noticed that the debug boolean injection into a NI is different from output debug of the NI. See below...



Third edit... a picture is worth at least 100 words.

Would it make a difference if the injection was structured differently?

DuncanCT commented 6 years ago

You can write to digital inputs if you add stuff to Soft Comfort. I'm using it with an IoT2020.

In Soft Comfort add the IoT as a new device>S7-compatible device>complete name and ip details.

In the diagram add the NI block, Edit Block Properties>Remote Device>Select IoT from device list>TSAP (I selected 03.00 but it doesn't seem to effect the outcome)>Block Type V>VB:0 Bit:0

Node > PLC Variables > DB1,X1246.0

VB:1 = DB1,X1246.1 etc...

MaartenV87 commented 6 years ago

Hi Duncan, did you manage to control the IoT2020 with nodered? I have a Siemens Logo 8 and woulld like to control it with HomeAssistant. Any advice on a workaround?

DuncanCT commented 6 years ago

Hey Maarten, In my example you can control the Logo from Node-RED via the IoT2020. I'm not sure about direct control from Node-RED to a Logo. Assume that's what you are asking?

Try here for more content...

IBernsdorf commented 6 years ago

Good morning guys, I have similar issue. I am trying to connect node red to a Siemens LOGO 8.2 without success. It's not possible to read out flags or other information. Do you have an idea to solve this problem?

IBernsdorf commented 6 years ago

I am using a Raspberry 1 model A and and Node Red 0.18.7

gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

What kind of error you're having? Can you post your configuration here, so we can check it out?

rogelioRuiz commented 6 years ago

Hi, I've been able to control the VM0 with node-red however the Network Input is acting as a momentary switch and I would like it to act as a normal switch (permanent on/permanent off behavior). How can this be achieved?

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Jagomeister commented 6 years ago

Create a new network input Set Parameter: Read value from --> Local variable memory (VM)

Set an address eg VB: 0 Bit: 0

in node-red setup the s7 endpoint under variables set address to: DB1,X0.0

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

Hi I'm trying to conect my logo to red node is the readme by gfcittolin is done? I dont know how configurate neither logo or red node side


Jagomeister commented 6 years ago

What are you trying to do read/set blocks or read flags/inputs/outputs

In Node Red: Add Input s7 node Edit node add new connection

Connection Tab IP: ip of Logo Mode: TSAP Local TSAP: 01.00 Remote TSAP: 02.00

Variables Tab add variables using the vm address map from help eg for Q1 DB1,X1064.0

Q8 DB1,X1064.7

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

I'm fully lost with the LOGO settings. i don't understand how to fill the cells ??? the TSAP settings the adress fields I've tried many things but I feel it's not the good way I would like to understand



logovmsettings nodereddebug noderedprogram nodereds7settings noderedvarsettings

Jagomeister commented 6 years ago

Local is 01:00 not 00:00 Remote is 02:00 not 20:00

For network input NI1 you need different VM address 0 is used by B035 use 3 as VM address

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

Sorry I really don't understand nothing.. and I've not even a little debug message to help.. I tried many things from yesterday.. What I missed I a global view of how it works.. I'm really sorry

Jagomeister commented 6 years ago

if you read up you will see a link to:

This info is also under VM mapping in soft comfort help

It means that things like inputs, outputs, flags are already mapped to static address eg to access Q1 in node red the address is DB1,X1064.0 Q11 should be DB1,X1065.2

Boolean values are stored as a byte (8 bits) so Q1-Q8 are in vm address 1064

AM1 is DB1,INT1118

for your network input NI1 set VM address to 3 and bit to 0 in node red this can be read/written with the address DB1,X3.0 if you have another network input set it to VM address 3 bit 1 and its address will be DB1,X3.1

You don't have to setup a server on the logo and correct the TSAP value to ones listed in previous post

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot I reached to:

Now I've to write some NI & NAI.. I think I'll find Thanks a lot I'll try to make a flow with everything already done an the logo settings in comment I don't know where I could post it (in node red flows?)

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

Another questions... to get

What is the 1 in DB1? If I have two logo? DB2?

If I do a little How to where should be the best to post-it? Github?


gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

In Logo, all memory addresses that you can access from this node are mapped to a "Virtual Data Block", and this happens to be the DB number one, the DB1. This is all done inside Logo itself.

So, if you have another Logo, you'll have another config (with different IP address, for example), but still using the DB1, because the Logo will internally do the translation to the address you actually want.

gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

Btw, you can post example flows on

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for help I created a flow as advised.. It's a first step..

All helps, comments will be welcome

gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

Awesome! It's always nice to have an example when we want to do something, so it's much appreciated :) Thanks for it!

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

Do you think it would be complicated to do directly a LOGO node.. I think you did the big of the job.. I could think about easier settings and configuration for LOGO.. But I don't know how is it working for maintenance when new releases of node7 happens

I also don't know how to declare a Byte in S7 endpoint variables Bit >> X0.0 X0.1 X0.2...... Boolean Values Byte (8bit)>> ?0 ?1 ?2... Some block parameters values Word (16bit)>> INT0, INT2, INT4..... Analogic Values Double Word (32bit)>>DINT0, DINT4, DINT8..... I did not met yet in LOGO

gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

What we've already thought about and discussed a bit was, instead of a new node for Logo, it would be already nice just to implement an address translation for it, e.g one would write AI1, and it would internally do the translation to DB1,W1032. This multiple translation thing is something we're planning to implement on the underlying nodeS7 library.

Regarding byte access, you can try DB1,Bxxx, where xxx is the address you want to access. But remember: you can only read the areas as listed on this table. So, for example, if you read DB1,B1104, you will be reading M1 to M8 from Logo in a single byte.

gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

These are the data types and their respective byte-length that you can configure (the y part in DB1,yxxx):

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

Ok you mean I can write INT or WORD it would work the same? perhaps to have it clearer i could put WORD and BYTE intead of INT int the flow and in the little speech to have it the same as in LOGO.

Yes I did understood that you can make mistakes of this type (I tried :-D I reached to read INT50 and write INT51.. It was not working well ;D )

I don't know s7, I just have logo..But for LOGO it could be a lot more easy If you want one value you select first I Q AI AQ...VM

Would it be a problem to map all values all the time or it would be better to preserve bandwith/CPU to take only needed values

gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

Regarding the types, please note they are not exactly the same. Even though INT and WORD both have a length of 2 bytes, INT will read as a signed 2-byte number, and WORD as an unsigned 2-byte number.

So let's expand that list above into a table:

Type Size Read as
REAL 4 bytes 32bit floating point
DWORD 4 bytes unsigned 32bit integer
DINT 4 bytes signed 32bit integer
WORD 2 bytes unsigned 16bit integer
INT 2 bytes signed 16bit integer
B,BYTE 1 byte unsigned 8bit integer
C,CHAR 1 byte ASCII char
X 1 bit boolean

This is an incomplete table for Logo (or for DataBlocks on the S7 family). There are more types for other areas of other PLCs.

And yes, I agree with you that it would be much easier to just write I, Q, etc. for Logo. That's why we want to implement multiple address translations. But hold on, we're still working on that ;)

Banane84 commented 6 years ago

So in logo? I have to use DINT INT BYTE and X or??

Can I help somehow

gfcittolin commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry, but it depends on what you're trying to read. If you're unsure, just stick to what that table in the link that Jagomeister and me and others mentioned before