st-tech / gatling-operator

Automating distributed Gatling load testing using Kubernetes operator
MIT License
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Fix repeated Gatling CR not-found errors issue #10

Closed yokawasa closed 2 years ago

yokawasa commented 2 years ago


fix for the issue


I confirm that Gatling CR not-found errors occurs repeatedly after deleting a Gatling CR.

Suppose I have a Gatling CR named gatling-sample01 in the cluster, I delete it like this

kubectl delete gatling gatling-sample01 -n <your namespace>

Then, check the log of gatling-operator manager like this. I don't see many gatling-sample01 not found error any more

export GATLING_MANAGER_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n gatling-system -o 'jsonpath={.items[0]}')
kubectl logs $GATLING_MANAGER_POD -n gatling-system -c manager -f
yokawasa commented 2 years ago

@tmrekk121 thanks for the review! I go ahead to merge the PR