st-tech / gatling-operator

Automating distributed Gatling load testing using Kubernetes operator
MIT License
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Fix duplicate slack message issue #11

Closed yokawasa closed 2 years ago

yokawasa commented 2 years ago


fix for the issue #9

The changes I've made are the following

  1. Move the timing of cleaning-up job after at least one loop, and after all the Gatling job completed
  2. Add a single loop (requeue) after a single reconciliation loop successfully done

No 2 fix above isn't directly for fixing the issue #9. It's just to have a single loop before moving to next stage to avoid a some timing issue.

What I made the No1 change to fix the issue?

Any time duplicate message issue occurs, I see the following gatling CR update error.

2021-11-10T12:23:24.509Z  ERROR controller-runtime.manager.controller.gatling.gatling.Reconcile Failed to update gatling status, and requeue  {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Gatling", "name": "zozo-aggregation-api", "namespace": "default", "error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"zozo-aggregation-api\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}*zapLogger).Error

the relevant part in the operator source code is this:

// Implementation of reconciler logic for the notification
func (r *GatlingReconciler) gatlingNotificationReconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request, gatling *gatlingv1alpha1.Gatling, log logr.Logger) (bool, error) {
    var reportURL = "none"
    // Get cloud storage info only if gatling.spec.generateReport is true
    if gatling.Spec.GenerateReport {
        _, url, err := r.getCloudStorageInfo(ctx, gatling)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "Failed to get gatling storage info, and requeue")
            return true, err
        reportURL = url
    if err := r.sendNotification(ctx, gatling, reportURL); err != nil {
        log.Error(err, "Failed to sendNotification, but and requeue")
        return true, err
    // Update gatling status on notification
    gatling.Status.NotificationCompleted = true
    if err := r.updateGatlingStatus(ctx, gatling); err != nil {
        log.Error(err, "Failed to update gatling status, and requeue")
        return true, err
    log.Info("Notification has successfully been sent!")
    return false, nil

Just after this part, the Gatling operator cleans up the gatling job resources. the relevant part:

I moved the timing of cleaning-up job after having at least one loop, and after all the Gatling job completed. This is because of the following my assumptions:


I've actually made the same change to the operator in Nov 11th and deployed it to a testing environment. Ever since then, I haven't seen the same issue in the environment. I'm not 100% sure but from the several days observation in the testing environment, it looks like the issue has been fixed with this update.

yokawasa commented 2 years ago

@tmrekk121 thanks for the review. I'll go ahead to merge the PR