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[FEAT]logseq style flashcard #652

Open Goooyi opened 1 year ago

Goooyi commented 1 year ago

logseq style flashcard use #card tag and indentation to generate flashcards so it can keep the structure of the note more clear. Say if you review this in vscode, indentation can be a bit better than '?' or '??', i think. logseq falshcard style described here

AB1908 commented 1 year ago

It's an interesting format but it'd take quite some work to do. The work itself is easy, just that there's much to do. You'd need to extend the parser, essentially. If you want to try this, I'm happy to provide some guidance.

Goooyi commented 1 year ago

It's an interesting format but it'd take quite some work to do. The work itself is easy, just that there's much to do. You'd need to extend the parser, essentially. If you want to try this, I'm happy to provide some guidance.

Thanks, I've been tied up with my paper lately, I'll let you know when I got the time

heygent commented 10 months ago

Could this be implemented more easily by tagging headers? For example:

# Some big topic

## A smaller topic that I want to be also a flashcard #card

This will be the back of the card, and with it all the content in this subheading.

Including this

## This is not included in the previous card

Lorem ipsum

## A new card #card


With logseq being an outliner I think it makes it easy to structure it hierarchically anywhere. Within obsidian, the hierarchical primitive is the header, and I think respecting that removes a lot of complexity and makes things more organic.

Relevant: #528