st4inl3s5 / kizagan

KIZAGAN is a RAT,c2 command&control tool.It allows you to build executables and control infected machines.
MIT License
85 stars 19 forks source link

wont build client #6

Closed thekillerlvl900 closed 4 months ago

thekillerlvl900 commented 4 months ago

idk why it doesnt want to work this is the the 400th time it doesntwant to work "HELP image_2024-03-05_145843611 "

thekillerlvl900 commented 4 months ago

im running kali linex latest update and all idk what im doing wrong

st4inl3s5 commented 4 months ago

What is your pyinstaller and python version?

thekillerlvl900 commented 4 months ago

python 3.11.8 and pyinstaller 6 i think image heres a pic of the pyinstaller version

st4inl3s5 commented 4 months ago

pip install --upgrade pyinstaller

Execute this command and try again.I think its a pyinstaller bug.If it doesn't work search internet.

thekillerlvl900 commented 4 months ago

its working now it was a pyinstaller problem thank you very much