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Questions for Midterm01 #43

Closed skywang0407 closed 4 years ago

skywang0407 commented 4 years ago

Hi Professor McGowan, Here listed some questions I have for review (especially the last one):

  1. Can you please explain about "well separated" and why is logistic regression unstable in this situation? Explain

  2. Do we need to remember this graph? Q2- Do we need to remember

  3. Can you please explain which pair of points show the best model/flexibility? Q3- How to interpret

  4. Can you explain why as flexibility increases, bias decreases and variance increases?

  5. Do we need to remember these equations? And do the two equations work for the same data, or one for the training data and one for the test data?

  6. What does the dashed line mean here? And do we draw the dashed line at the bottom of each curve? Q6- How to interpret

  7. Does the Bayes Classifier mean the Bayes decision boundary, and what is the relationship between these two concepts and the truth? Q9- What does it mean

  8. Will we be tested on the topics below that are not covered in class? Q11- Will we be tested

  9. Can you please explain what is the marginal default rate? And why is the dashed StudentYes line is above the dashed StudentNo line while the StudentYes curve is below the StudentNo curve? Q12- Explain marginal default rate

  10. Will we be tested on the multinomial logistic regression? And can you explain how do we calculate the denominator here, since I do not understand how does L influence the beta values. Q13- How to calculate

  11. What does sensitivity here, just curious. Q14- Explain sensitivity

  12. I know we use this equation on class, but I just want to make sure that this is the process we use to determine the decision boundary (find X) when K=2, right? What if K>2, is it the same that we equate the three classes? Q15- Explain the calculation process

  13. How do we explain this plot? Q16- Interpret

  14. Do we need to know these concepts (i.e. hyperplane etc.)? Q17- Do we need to know this

  15. Why is it sensible? Is it because we use a different data set to test? Q18- Why

  16. What does c mean in the equation? If it means class, how can it be multiplied by x? And do we need to know concepts of two learning methods? Q18- Will we be tested

  17. Can you please explain again why it biased upward and why does the variance get higher? I am still not clear about the concept of bias-variance trade-off. Q21- Def

Thank you very much!!!

LucyMcGowan commented 4 years ago

Can you please explain about "well separated" and why is logistic regression unstable in this situation?

Do we need to remember this graph?

Can you please explain which pair of points show the best model/flexibility?

Can you explain why as flexibility increases, bias decreases and variance increases?

Do we need to remember these equations? And do the two equations work for the same data, or one for the training data and one for the test data?

What does the dashed line mean here? And do we draw the dashed line at the bottom of each curve?

Does the Bayes Classifier mean the Bayes decision boundary, and what is the relationship between these two concepts and the truth?

Will we be tested on the topics below that are not covered in class?

Can you please explain what is the marginal default rate? And why is the dashed StudentYes line is above the dashed StudentNo line while the StudentYes curve is below the StudentNo curve?

Will we be tested on the multinomial logistic regression? And can you explain how do we calculate the denominator here, since I do not understand how does L influence the beta values.

What does sensitivity here, just curious.

I know we use this equation on class, but I just want to make sure that this is the process we use to determine the decision boundary (find X) when K=2, right? What if K>2, is it the same that we equate the three classes?

How do we explain this plot?

Do we need to know these concepts (i.e. hyperplane etc.)?

Why is it sensible? Is it because we use a different data set to test?

What does c mean in the equation? If it means class, how can it be multiplied by x? And do we need to know concepts of two learning methods?

Can you please explain again why it biased upward and why does the variance get higher? I am still not clear about the concept of bias-variance trade-off.

@skywang0407 I’ve added responses 👍

skywang0407 commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much!!! I am sorry I ask too much.