sta-titansrobotics / 19446-IntoTheDeep

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System Integration #6

Open GianBangayan opened 2 weeks ago

GianBangayan commented 2 weeks ago

The general layout on how the robot sub-systems will interact with each other, and their placements on the bot.

GianBangayan commented 2 weeks ago

GianRobotSystemInt General robot rough drawing from Gian.

GianBangayan commented 2 weeks ago

image General robot rough drawing from Ethan F. (just like what ur robot has or whatever)

Ethan-Selvarajah commented 2 weeks ago

Initial Thoughts: My initial idea was the use of an arm that functioned similarly to Team 16379 Kookybotz's robot from Centerstage last year. Specifically, I thought the use of a telescopic arm + claw would be interesting/optimal.

Here are a few sketches of those initial ideas: image image

Based on these sketches, I had this idea for sample collection:

  1. The arm extends and the claw grabs the sample.
  2. The claw has a servo which rotates 90*, and simultaneously the arm will retract into the robot.
  3. The sample is then funneled into the robot where the transfer takes it in.
  4. It is taken in using a compliant wheel and/or rotating surgical tubing.
  5. The funnel ends up at the bottom of the sliders, which hosts a deposit box.
  6. The sliders extend upwards and then rotates the box to slide it into the buckets.

I discovered this page for a telescopic arm. I watched their assembly video and found it both interesting and useful (if this idea was to be pursued).

Hang Process:

  1. A hook attached to sliders.
  2. This also attached to sliders somehow? Or maybe somewhere else. Need some way to ensure that the robot stays straight, otherwise the hang will be misaligned.

The hang process is not refined either, and requires more thought.

Additional Notes: These were just some of my initial thoughts, but it may not be the most efficient. I noticed that telescopic arms seemed very fast and stable, and the idea stemmed from there. Also, I am unsure if the transfer process would actually be efficient.

--Accidentally posted this under #1 yesterday but I'll move it here instead.