Closed DreamChaser0719 closed 1 month ago
In an autonomous setting:
Vision Systems
Hard-coded instructions
In conclusion, each of these methods has its strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different applications in autonomous systems. PID control and vision systems excel in adaptability and precision, while odometry provides valuable position tracking and hard-coded instructions offer reliability and simplicity. We should utilize a combination of these methods to optimize performance and functionality in dynamic environments.
With PID, odometry, and vision, we can create an autonomous mode that's incredibly efficient to give us a head start in competitions.
In robotics, vision systems use cameras and image processing algorithms to detect, identify, and track objects or targets in the robot's environment, aiding navigation and task execution. Meanwhile, PID control is a feedback mechanism used to precisely control motors or actuators, adjusting the robot's actions based on real-time errors to achieve smooth, accurate movements. Vision helps the robot "see" its environment, while PID ensures it moves or responds to situations with precision, making them both critical for tasks like target alignment and motion control. These two would make the autonomous mode score more scores more efficient and accurate.