Closed Aletrioli closed 1 month ago
Side roller intake: Using two motors, two sprockets would be rotated with surgical tubing extending from them. When they rotate, they would be able to pull blocks in and push them out. To hold the object, a ramp would be needed.
Overall: A side roller intake would not be a good option, because although it may be good at grabbing blocks, it poses too much of a design-headache given all the components it requires and the weight that it would add to the robot.
Multi-roller intake: Using one motor attached to a hex shaft which is lined with flap wheels, the hex shaft is rotated letting the flap wheels spin either to pull objects in or push them out. To hold the object, a ramp and walls would be needed.
Overall: A multi-roller intake would be a viable option, as it is efficient and reliable, as well as conservative of resources.
Claw: Using one servo and gears to have 2 gears rotating in opposite directions, extensions open and close around an object.
Overall: A claw would be a passable option, but has a number of flaws. A claw is too much slower than rollers, and requires too much precision on the part of the driver. As a result, while we will likely need a claw to hang specimens, it should not be our primary intake method.
This issue will span picking up and placing samples.