sta-titansrobotics / FTC-Offseason-2024

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Spring Sponsorship Campaign #14

Open mrfabroa opened 3 months ago

mrfabroa commented 3 months ago



Remember, every sponsorship is a reason to celebrate as it brings us closer to our end goal! We expect to gain around 10 NEW sponsorships by the end of the school year to prepare us for September.


The more the merrier, however we have to keep our goals realistic. Aim for 10, but do not let that number limit you!


Getting part of our sponsorships this spring will relieve stress in the fall and provide us with an immediate budget that we can place towards the success of our robot.


Remember: This does NOT mean outreaching to 3-4 companies; outreach to around 10 companies a month in hopes that 3-4 companies will respond.