sta-titansrobotics / FTC-Offseason-2024

BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Build basic Studica Chassis for programming #2

Open mrfabroa opened 3 months ago

mrfabroa commented 3 months ago

Define the objective as a SMART Goals


What needs to be accomplished? Build 2 H configuration drivetrains, each with 4 40:1 AndyMark Neverest Motors+encoder cables

Who’s responsible for it? @Areya46 @afunnyrat @ellayp

What steps need to be taken to achieve it?


How will the achievement of this goal be measured?

How will we know we are successful?


Do we have what we need to make it achievable? If not, what do we need? See list above


From a big picture standpoint, why is it important to achieve this objective?


When will it start? End?