sta199-s23-2 / project-r-s2dio
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Draft #7

Open choiiyoo opened 1 year ago

choiiyoo commented 1 year ago
  1. Seed is response variable in all your models, as convention, we usually put response variable on the y-axis for visualization. Also, scatter plot usually describe relationship between two continuous variable, but here seed only takes integer values.
  2. R square(adjusted) will be higher if you add more variables to the model, but that doesn't necessarily mean the model has better performance. It would be better to adopt some other model evaluation metrics as well.


  1. Please respond to previous comments/feedback by closing github issues
  2. The file doesn't render since there's a loading data error in the proposal which halted the process
angeliequimbo commented 1 year ago

Responded to previous comments from peers; will still be referencing as we finalize our presentation

angeliequimbo commented 1 year ago

Seed has be switched from being in the x-axis to now being on the y-axis

angeliequimbo commented 1 year ago

Fixed render issue; it now renders (this was fixed last week, but we apologize for our tardy comment)