stack-of-tasks / pinocchio

A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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C++ compilation error in ubuntu 18.04 #1106

Closed Ke-Wang1017 closed 4 years ago

Ke-Wang1017 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I encountered a compilation error when I try to compile the c++ code on ubuntu 18.04:

` /opt/openrobots/include/pinocchio/parsers/urdf/geometry.hxx:256:7: error: template-id ‘getLinkGeometry’ for ‘urdf::CollisionConstSharedPtr pinocchio::urdf::details::getLinkGeometry(urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr)’ does not match any template declaration getLinkGeometry< ::urdf::Collision>(const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link) ^~~~~~~~~~~ '

But interestingly, when I tried on ubuntu 16.04, there is no error. Also no error happens when I use the python binding on 18.04, can anyone please help me?


Ke-Wang1017 commented 4 years ago

It seems that there is something wrong with the URDF parser, and I tested in ubuntu 16.04 and it indicates that it is not the problem with my code, so really weird

aykutonol commented 4 years ago

I just installed pinocchio via Homebrew and get the same problem with previously working code.

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

@WangKeAlchemist and @aykutonol which version of Pinocchio are you currently using (devel, master or an existing release)?

By the way, could you provide a code example and the command lines to compile it?

It will be really helpful to fix the bug if any.

Ke-Wang1017 commented 4 years ago

@WangKeAlchemist and @aykutonol which version of Pinocchio are you currently using (devel, master or an existing release)?

By the way, could you provide a code example and the command lines to compile it?

It will be really helpful to fix the bug if any.

Hi @jcarpent I install the newest version of Pinocchio through robotpkg following the procedure on

The code i write has

`#ifndef OSCH

define OSCH




include "pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp"


include "pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp"

include "pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp"

include "pinocchio/parsers/urdf.hpp"

include "pinocchio/algorithm/joint-configuration.hpp"

include "pinocchio/algorithm/kinematics.hpp"

include "pinocchio/algorithm/jacobian.hpp"

include "pinocchio/algorithm/center-of-mass.hpp"

include "pinocchio/algorithm/center-of-mass-derivatives.hpp"

include "pinocchio/algorithm/rnea.hpp"

include "pinocchio/algorithm/crba.hpp"

include "pinocchio/algorithm/frames.hpp"



Then I put it into a catkin package and use catkin_make to compile it

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

On 18.04 and contrary to 16.04, you need to compile with C++11 set to on, because urdfdom is using std::shared_ptr. To do so, either you add -std=c++11 in the field CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS of CMake. Or in your project, you can add SET(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11)inside your CMakeLists.txt.

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

In addition, @WangKeAlchemist you may improve the packaging of your project by using these lines:

find_package(pinocchio REQUIRED)
target_compile_definitions(my_lib PRIVATE ${PINOCCHIO_CFLAGS_OTHER})


find_package(pinocchio REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(my_lib PRIVATE pinocchio::pinocchio)

If you need further guidance, you can refer to this issue

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

@aykutonol Could you tell me the error you encounter? Yours seems indeed different from the one encountered by @WangKeAlchemist as you are on OS X.

Ke-Wang1017 commented 4 years ago

Hi @jcarpent , thanks for your reply! I added the C++ 11 flag, as well as the packaging as you mentioned, however I still get the same error. Below is my CMakeList, maybe you can diagnose some issues:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(slider_controller)

find_package(gazebo REQUIRED)

include_directories( "/usr/include/eigen3/" "/usr/local/include" "/opt/openrobots/include/" )


find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS geometry_msgs roscpp std_msgs message_filters message_generation eigen_conversions )

find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(pinocchio REQUIRED pinocchio)

add_message_files( FILES FloatArray.msg )

generate_messages( DEPENDENCIES std_msgs )

catkin_package( CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime )

include_directories( ${GAZEBO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${roscpp_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${ros_lib_INCLUDE_DIRS} )

FILE(GLOB folder_source ./src/.cc) FILE(GLOB folder_header ./src/.h)


SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -pthread") SET(GCC_COVERAGE_COMPILE_FLAGS " -O3 -std=c++11") # -std=c++11 -lprofilingS -p -lp -g -p -O3 -fopenmp add_definitions(${GCC_COVERAGE_COMPILE_FLAGS})

LINK_LIBRARIES( boost_system urdfdom_model )

add_executable(slider_controller src/ ${folder_source} ${folder_header})

target_link_libraries(slider_controller PRIVATE pinocchio::pinocchio ${GAZEBO_LIBRARIES} ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${LIBRARIES})

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

hard to debug remotely. Could you prepare a docker image with all the necessary content and share it with me ?

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

@WangKeAlchemist Could you also send the full compilation log? It is hard to make a diagnosis from the 4 lines you have sent.

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

@WangKeAlchemist You've missed to add {PINOCCHIO_CFLAGS_OTHER}in the compilation flags as I've suggested before. This flag is mandatory for 18.04, as URDF is using std::shared_ptr. And, as you explicitly used pkg-config, this step is mandatory.

Ke-Wang1017 commented 4 years ago

Hi @jcarpent I partially solved the problem, the suggestion you gave me on improving the packaging of the project doesn't work previously, because the CMake cannot find the pinocchio package, even though i used
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(pinocchio REQUIRED pinocchio)

I found this by print the '${PINOCCHIO_CFLAGS_OTHER}' inside CMakeList by message(THE CFLAGS OF PINOCCHIO ARE "${PINOCCHIO_CFLAGS_OTHER}"), basically it is just empty.

Instead, by following the suggestion from issue, I directly add the compilation flag by using SET(GCC_COVERAGE_COMPILE_FLAGS " -O3 -std=c++11 -DPINOCCHIO_URDFDOM_TYPEDEF_SHARED_PTR -DPINOCCHIO_URDFDOM_USE_STD_SHARED_PTR -DBOOST_MPL_LIMIT_LIST_SIZE=30 -DPINOCCHIO_WITH_URDFDOM") add_definitions(${GCC_COVERAGE_COMPILE_FLAGS})

Although it is a bit hacky, it works. It will be better if I can figure out why the CMake cannot find the install pinocchio package.

jmirabel commented 4 years ago

If you use pkg_check_modules(pinocchio REQUIRED pinocchio), shouldn't you use pinocchio_CFLAGS_OTHER without capital letters instead ?

wxmerkt commented 4 years ago

I just ran into the same issue after pulling from devel and just calling make. The solution was to fully remove all build directories, then it worked again.

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

@wxmerkt Do you know which change in the pull is at the origin of this behavior?

wxmerkt commented 4 years ago

Sadly, I don't. v2.3.1 and current devel are incompatible and the Cmake cache difference from that difference is what caused the issue in my case.

Ke-Wang1017 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I found the problem! As @jmirabel said, instead of PINOCCHIO_CFLAGS_OTHER which doesn't work, pinocchio_CFLAGS_OTHER works for me. target_link_libraries(my_lib PRIVATE pinocchio::pinocchio) still doesn't work for me, but even I drop it the program can be linked properly. `

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

Perfect. So, I think we can close this issue as it seems to be solved.

aykutonol commented 4 years ago

@jcarpent sorry for my late response. I was previously working on Ubuntu, and I've just moved to OSX. I guess the error was caused by ${<pkg_module_name_for_pinocchio>_LDFLAGS} being undefined on OSX. So, adding link_directories("/usr/local/lib") and explicitly linking urdfdom_model and boost_system libraries did the trick. Thanks for your help!

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

@aykutonol You may have a look to for an example on how to link your project with Pinocchio.

aykutonol commented 4 years ago

Thank you, @jcarpent, for the reference. I installed pinocchio@2 using Homebrew, which came with eigenpy@2 2.1.0. Hence, when I link pinocchio::pinocchio, cmake throws the following error:

  Imported target "pinocchio::pinocchio" includes non-existent path

Linking the libraries explicitly is okay for me unless there is a downside.

jcarpent commented 4 years ago

This is because I need to regenerate the images. I will try to do it in the next few hours.

alpylmz commented 6 months ago

I spent a few hours on this issue on MacOS, and @aykutonol's solution of adding the following line to CMake file


worked. I guess this should be in the documents somewhere?

ManifoldFR commented 6 months ago

I spent a few hours on this issue on MacOS, and @aykutonol's solution of adding the following line to CMake file


worked. I guess this should be in the documents somewhere?

Hi, No, you shouldn't do that in general. Non Debian or macOS systems or setups where dependencies are not in the system prefix have no business looking there. Instead you should check your cmake prefix path is properly set.