stack-of-tasks / pinocchio

A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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newer version meshcat visualization issue for mesh #2329

Closed MiaoDragon closed 2 months ago

MiaoDragon commented 2 months ago

Hello. Thanks for the software effort of the Pinocchio. I've been experiencing a visualization issue in meshcat viewer for meshes. It seems for the new version 3.1 the mesh scale is not correctly displayed when I have a mixed mesh files of STL and DAE. One visualization is shown below for my motoman robot with robotiq gripper, and the gripper has a very large scale. This is the visual geometries. mesh-scale-version-3 1 The collision geometries are also problematic. meshcat-collision-3 1

The scale issue of visual geometrices do not exist for version 2.7, while the collision geometries still have the same issue. The visual geometries are shown as follows: meshcat-visual-2 7

The visualized model can be extracted from

After the model package is installed in a catkin workspace, and the workspace is made, use the following code to visualize the results: (the following code is saved as a file

import sys
import os
import rospy
from rospkg import RosPack

class MotomanSDA10F:
    def __init__(self):
        self.ignore_collision_ee_links = [
        rp = RosPack()
        self.robot_urdf = rp.get_path(
        ) + '/config/gazebo_motoman_sda10f.urdf'
        package_dirs = []
        for package in ['motoman_sda10f_support', 'robotiq_2f_85_gripper_visualization']:
            path = os.path.join(rp.get_path(package), '..')
            path = os.path.abspath(path)
            # package_dirs.append(rp.get_path(package))
        self.package_dirs = package_dirs
import motoman_config
import pinocchio as pin
import hppfcl
from pinocchio.visualize import MeshcatVisualizer
import time
import numpy as np

motoman = motoman_config.MotomanSDA10F()
model, collision_model, visual_model = pin.buildModelsFromUrdf(motoman.robot_urdf, package_dirs=motoman.package_dirs)
viz = MeshcatVisualizer(model, collision_model, visual_model)

# Load the robot in the viewer.

# Display a robot configuration.
q0 = pin.neutral(model)
print('q0: ')

The system information is the following:

Thanks and any help would be appreciated!

jcarpent commented 2 months ago

Thanks @MiaoDragon for reaching us about this bug. I will have a look soon. I can already reproduce your issue.

jcarpent commented 2 months ago

Solved via #2331.