stack-of-tasks / pinocchio

A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Using CasADi automatic differentiation is not possible #809

Closed mkatliar closed 5 years ago

mkatliar commented 5 years ago

The paper says:

In addition to analytical derivatives, Pinocchio supports
automatic differentiation. This is made possible through the
full scalar templatization of the whole C++ code and the use
of any external library that does automatic differentiation:
ADOL-C [23], CasADi [24], CppAD [25] and others.

I tried to use casadi::SX type as a scalar type for Pinocchio algorithms, but the code does not compile. Here is a code snippet:

pinocchio::ModelTpl<casadi::SX> model;
pinocchio::DataTpl<casadi::SX> data(model);

Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, N_JOINTS, 1> q;
Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, N_JOINTS, 1> v;
Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, N_JOINTS, 1> tau;

aba(model, data, q, v, tau);

Here is the relevant compiler output: make.log

jcarpent commented 5 years ago

Nice to try with Casadi. Before starting with Pinocchio, I would suggest to test with Eigen first and to make sure that everything works well. Do you have a unitary example of Eigen + Casadi?

From what I've seen from your log, the problem comes from there.

mkatliar commented 5 years ago

I see at least two sources of the problem:

  1. The non-specialized implementation of SINCOSAlgo calls std::sin() and std::cos():

    template<typename Scalar>
    struct SINCOSAlgo
      static void run(const Scalar & a, Scalar * sa, Scalar * ca) 
        (*sa) = std::sin(a); (*ca) = std::cos(a);

    It would be more appropriate to just do sin(a), cos(a) and let argument-dependent lookup do the job. For casadi::SX argument type, the calls would resolve to casadi::sin() and casadi::cos(). Notice that if we rely on ADL, the following code fragment becomes unnecessary:

    /// Implementation for CppAD scalar types.
    template<typename Scalar>
    struct SINCOSAlgo< CppAD::AD<Scalar> >
      static void run(const CppAD::AD<Scalar> & a, CppAD::AD<Scalar> * sa, CppAD::AD<Scalar> * ca)
        (*sa) = CppAD::sin(a); (*ca) = CppAD::cos(a);
  2. The matrix decomposition algorithms in Eigen::LLT do inequality comparisons between scalar variables. If those variables are of type casadi::SX, the operator > is not defined (and can not be defined, because the variables are symbolic variables).
mkatliar commented 5 years ago

Before starting with Pinocchio, I would suggest to test with Eigen first and to make sure that everything works well. Do you have a unitary example of Eigen + Casadi?

@jcarpent it is this line

jmodel.jointVelocitySelector(data.ddq).noalias() =
      jdata.Dinv() * jmodel.jointVelocitySelector(data.u) - jdata.UDinv().transpose() * data.a[i].toVector();

which produces the error message

/usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/GeneralProduct.h:255:18: error: cannot convert ‘casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>’ to ‘const bool’ in initialization
       const bool alphaIsCompatible = (!ComplexByReal) || (numext::imag(actualAlpha)==RealScalar(0));

I was unable to reproduce the same error with a simplified example so far. For example, the following code compiles without errors:

Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, 3, 3> A, B;
Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, 3, 1> a, b;
Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, 3, 1> c = A * a - B.transpose() * b;
cmastalli commented 5 years ago

Are you sure if this possible? So far I know, CasADi has its own algebra software.

I think what you need is to pass derivatives from Pinocchio + CppAD to the interface of your solver. CasADi has several interfaces such as Ipopt. But some of them you can use without the CasADi framework

mkatliar commented 5 years ago

@cmastalli what do you mean by "solver" here? You mentioned Ipopt -- yes, CasADi does provide interface to NLP solvers, but we are not speaking about optimization here. We are discussing automatic differentiation issues. And yes, CasADi does provide means for automatic differentiation:

CasADi's backbone is a symbolic framework implementing forward and reverse mode of AD on expression graphs

See for more details.

jmirabel commented 5 years ago

Could you try:

Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, 3, 3> A, B;
Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, -1, 1> a (4), c (4);
Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, 3, 1> b;
c.segment(1, 3) = A * a.segment(1, 3) - B.transpose() * b;

@mkatliar, notice I edited the snippet.

mkatliar commented 5 years ago

@jmirabel your (the edited and the original) snippet compiles without errors.

mkatliar commented 5 years ago

@jmirabel can it have something to do with .noalias()?

jmirabel commented 5 years ago

It could but my guesses are:

From the log you provided, I can see that the matrices in the expression are of type Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, ...> and scalar is casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>. Does this make sense ?

/usr/local/include/pinocchio/algorithm/aba.hxx:250:17:   required from ‘const typename pinocchio::DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>::TangentVectorType& pinocchio::aba(const pinocchio::ModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>&, pinocchio::DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>&, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat>&, const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet>&, const Eigen::MatrixBase<TangentVectorType>&)
[with Scalar = casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>; int Options = 0; JointCollectionTpl = pinocchio::JointCollectionDefaultTpl; ConfigVectorType = Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1>; TangentVectorType1 = Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1>; TangentVectorType2 = Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1>; typename pinocchio::DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>::TangentVectorType = Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1>]’
mkatliar commented 5 years ago

Hello @jmirabel , to address your second point, I wrote a working example which demonstrates the use of CasADi AD in combination with functions working with Eigen matrices:

#include <casadi/casadi.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Dense>

namespace Eigen
    template<> struct NumTraits<casadi::SX>
        using Real = casadi::SX;
        using NonInteger = casadi::SX;
        using Literal = casadi::SX;
        using Nested = casadi::SX;

        static bool constexpr IsComplex = false;
        static bool constexpr IsInteger = false;
        static int constexpr ReadCost = 1;
        static int constexpr AddCost = 1;
        static int constexpr MulCost = 1;
        static bool constexpr IsSigned = true;
        static bool constexpr RequireInitialization = true;

        static double epsilon()
            return std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

        static double dummy_precision()
            return 1e-10;

        static double hightest()
            return std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

        static double lowest()
            return std::numeric_limits<double>::min();

        static int digits10()
            return std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10;

    // A function working with Eigen::Matrix'es parameterized by the Scalar type
    template <typename Scalar, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
    Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> eigenFun(
        Eigen::MatrixBase<T1> const& A, Eigen::MatrixBase<T2> const& a, Eigen::MatrixBase<T3> const& B, Eigen::MatrixBase<T4> const& b)
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> c(4);
        c.segment(1, 3) = A * a.segment(1, 3) - B.transpose() * b;
        c[0] = 0.;

        return c;

    int main(int, char **)
        // Declare casadi symbolic matrix arguments
        // casadi::SX cs_A = casadi::SX::sym("A", 3, 3);
        // casadi::SX cs_B = casadi::SX::sym("B", 3, 3);
        casadi::SX cs_a = casadi::SX::sym("a", 4);
        casadi::SX cs_b = casadi::SX::sym("b", 3);

        // Declare Eigen matrices
        Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, 3, 3> A, B;
        Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, -1, 1> a (4), c (4);
        Eigen::Matrix<casadi::SX, 3, 1> b;

        // Let A, B be some numeric matrices
        for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i)
            for (Eigen::Index j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j)
                A(i, j) = 10 * i + j;
                B(i, j) = -10 * i - j;

            b[i] = cs_b(i);

        // Let a, b be symbolic arguments of a function
        for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i)
            b[i] = cs_b(i);

        for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
            a[i] = cs_a(i);

        // Call the function taking Eigen matrices
        c = eigenFun<casadi::SX>(A, a, B, b);

        // Copy the result from Eigen matrices to casadi matrix
        casadi::SX cs_c = casadi::SX(casadi::Sparsity::dense(c.rows(), 1));
        for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < c.rows(); ++i)
            cs_c(i) = c[i];

        // Display the resulting casadi matrix
        std::cout << "c = " << cs_c << std::endl;

        // Do some AD
        casadi::SX dc_da = jacobian(cs_c, cs_a);

        // Display the resulting jacobian
        std::cout << "dc/da = " << dc_da << std::endl;

        // Create a function which takes a, b and returns c and dc_da
        casadi::Function fun("fun", casadi::SXVector {cs_a, cs_b}, casadi::SXVector {cs_c, dc_da});
        std::cout << "fun = " << fun << std::endl;

        // Evaluate the function
        casadi::DMVector res = fun(casadi::DMVector {std::vector<double> {1., 2., 3., 4.}, std::vector<double> {-1., -2., -3.}});
        std::cout << "fun(a, b)=" << res << std::endl;

It outputs:

c = [0, ((a_2+(2*a_3))-((-10*b_1)+(-20*b_2))), (((10*a_1)+((11*a_2)+(12*a_3)))-(((-11*b_1)+(-21*b_2))-b_0)), (((20*a_1)+((21*a_2)+(22*a_3)))-((-2*b_0)+((-12*b_1)+(-22*b_2))))]
dc/da = 
[[00, 00, 00, 00], 
 [00, 00, 1, 2], 
 [00, 10, 11, 12], 
 [00, 20, 21, 22]]
fun = fun:(i0[4],i1[3])->(o0[4],o1[4x4,8nz]) SXFunction
fun(a, b)=[[0, -69, 15, 99], 
[[00, 00, 00, 00], 
 [00, 00, 1, 2], 
 [00, 10, 11, 12], 
 [00, 20, 21, 22]]]

This is how I see CasADi can be used in combination with Eigen code parameterized by a scalar type.

mkatliar commented 5 years ago

From the log you provided, I can see that the matrices in the expression are of type Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, ...> and scalar is casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>. Does this make sense ?

/usr/local/include/pinocchio/algorithm/aba.hxx:250:17:   required from ‘const typename pinocchio::DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>::TangentVectorType& pinocchio::aba(const pinocchio::ModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>&, pinocchio::DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>&, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat>&, const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet>&, const Eigen::MatrixBase<TangentVectorType>&)
[with Scalar = casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>; int Options = 0; JointCollectionTpl = pinocchio::JointCollectionDefaultTpl; ConfigVectorType = Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1>; TangentVectorType1 = Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1>; TangentVectorType2 = Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1>; typename pinocchio::DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>::TangentVectorType = Eigen::Matrix<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1>]’

It does make sense to me, because casadi::SX is a matrix, and in CasADi a scalar is an equivalent of a 1x1 matrix.

jmirabel commented 5 years ago

Shouldn't you define Eigen::NumTraits<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem> > too then ?

jcarpent commented 5 years ago

Shouldn't you define Eigen::NumTraits<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem> > too then ?

Yes, indeed. I've done it in #813.

cmastalli commented 5 years ago

@cmastalli what do you mean by "solver" here? You mentioned Ipopt -- yes, CasADi does provide interface to NLP solvers, but we are not speaking about optimization here. We are discussing automatic differentiation issues. And yes, CasADi does provide means for automatic differentiation:

CasADi's backbone is a symbolic framework implementing forward and reverse mode of AD on expression graphs

See for more details.

@mkatliar I meat NLP solvers such as Ipopt or its own SQP one. So far, I understand the benefits of using automatic differentiation from CasADi is the easy integration to NLP solvers, instead CppAD is more efficient and it can generate the AD code, isn't it?

mkatliar commented 5 years ago

Shouldn't you define Eigen::NumTraits<casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem> > too then ?

@jmirabel casadi::SX is a typedef for casadi::Matrix<casadi::SXElem>:

jcarpent commented 5 years ago

fixed by #813.