Hi! We would be interested in testing the stack-of-tasks for torque control with our Talos robot, but might need a little bit of guidance on how to make things work.
So far, we have installed stack-of-tasks software from robotpkg (sot-core, talos-dev, simple-humanoid-description, parametric-curves, tsid, soth), with the addition of sot-torque-control and talos-torque-control.
For some reason, I can't successfully get the robot to follow trajectories with torque control in Gazebo. Is there maybe something we are missing that we should know of?
I hope you can help! I am aware there is a lot of details missing in my question, just let me know what information you might need and I will provide it from there.
I think that torque-control for TALOS is maybe better understood here tahn in talos-metapkg-ros-control. We are almost there.
I reopen the issue here and close the other one.
Hi! We would be interested in testing the stack-of-tasks for torque control with our Talos robot, but might need a little bit of guidance on how to make things work.
So far, we have installed stack-of-tasks software from robotpkg (sot-core, talos-dev, simple-humanoid-description, parametric-curves, tsid, soth), with the addition of sot-torque-control and talos-torque-control.
For some reason, I can't successfully get the robot to follow trajectories with torque control in Gazebo. Is there maybe something we are missing that we should know of?
I hope you can help! I am aware there is a lot of details missing in my question, just let me know what information you might need and I will provide it from there.