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Intelligent Prompt Suggestions for New Chats in StackSpot AI #154

Open joaonetozup opened 1 week ago

joaonetozup commented 1 week ago


This feature aims to display suggested prompts to users when they create a new chat in StackSpot AI. The suggested prompts should be based on the project currently opened in the user's IDE, Knowledge Sources, Workspaces and Stack AI selected - enhancing the relevance and utility of the chat interaction. We expect to enhance the user experience in StackSpot AI by offering intelligent, project-based prompt suggestions for new chats. The goal is to streamline the chat initiation process and provide users with valuable starting points for their AI interactions.

Intended Outcome

The successful implementation of this feature will result in several key outcomes:

  1. Context-Aware Prompt Suggestions: Users will receive context-aware prompt suggestions based on their current project, improving the relevance of their chat interactions.
  2. Enhanced User Interface: The user interface will present prompt suggestions in a clear and easily accessible manner, enhancing the overall user experience.
  3. Intelligent Prompt Logic: Intelligent logic will ensure that prompt suggestions are tailored to the project's characteristics, increasing their utility.
  4. Seamless Chat Integration: Seamless integration with the existing chat UI will provide a natural extension of the chat creation process.
  5. Customization and Machine Learning: Customization and machine learning will refine prompt suggestions over time, tailoring them to individual user preferences and usage patterns.