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Workspace Analytics on AI Portal #53

Open aspindola opened 8 months ago

aspindola commented 8 months ago


This feature designed to offer insightful analytics on the usage of StackSpot AI within different workspaces. It provides a comprehensive overview of how StackSpot AI is adopted and utilized, offering visibility into usage, adoption rates, productivity gains, and code quality improvements. With customizable dashboards, trend analysis, and the ability to track return on investment, this feature enables organizations to make informed decisions, optimize their development processes, and maximize the benefits of StackSpot AI, all while respecting data privacy and security requirements.

Intended Outcomes

  1. Usage Visibility: Provide customers with a clear and detailed view of how StackSpot AI is being used within their organization. This includes the number of users, the frequency of use, and the scope of code assisted by StackSpot AI.
  2. Adoption Tracking: Help customers track the adoption rate of StackSpot AI among their development teams. This includes monitoring how many team members are actively using StackSpot AI, how often they are utilizing it, and which departments or teams are benefiting the most.
  3. Trend Analysis: Provide historical data and trends over time to help customers understand how StackSpot AI usage evolves and how it correlates with project milestones or other external factors.
  4. Data Security and Privacy: Ensure that the analytics page respects data privacy and security requirements. Customers should have control over what data is collected and displayed, and sensitive information should be anonymized or aggregated where necessary.
  5. Export and Integration: Provide options for customers to export the analytics data for further analysis and integration with their existing tools and systems.

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