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Token Usage Visualization for StackSpot AI: Account / User #60

Open joaonetozup opened 8 months ago

joaonetozup commented 8 months ago


The new Token Usage Visualization feature on the StackSpot AI platform allows users to efficiently monitor and manage the consumption of tokens associated with the use of the platform. Here are the key points:

  1. Detailed Overview: Users have access to a control panel that shows a clear visual representation of token usage, including detailed accounting.
  2. Breakdown by Account Hierarchy: The feature offers a breakdown of token usage by account and user, allowing for precise tracking and efficient management of token distribution and consumption.
  3. Limits by Account Type: There are clear indications of token limits for different types of accounts (Freemium and Enterprise), helping to avoid unintentional overuse.
  4. Intuitive Interface: Data is presented in easy-to-understand formats, such as tables and charts, facilitating quick and effective evaluation.
  5. Real-Time Updates: Token consumption data is constantly updated, ensuring that users always have the most recent information.

Intended Outcome

Token Usage Visualization is a powerful new feature on the StackSpot AI platform that provides users with a comprehensive and clear visual representation of their token usage. This feature is especially beneficial for managing and monitoring token consumption across different levels of account hierarchy, such as Account and User.

The primary benefits of Token Usage Visualization include:

  1. Enhanced Monitoring: Users can view detailed token accounting and an analytics dashboard, offering insights into token consumption patterns. This facilitates better understanding and efficient management of token use.
  2. Account Type Awareness: Users can clearly understand the limitations based on their account type - Freemium or Enterprise. This helps in avoiding unintentional overuse of tokens.
  3. Detailed Breakdown: The feature provides a breakdown of token usage per Account, User, and Workspace, allowing for precise tracking and management of token distribution and consumption.
  4. User Empowerment: Individual users can track their own token consumption, helping them to stay within their allocated limits.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: The token usage data is presented in a format that is easy to understand, such as tables or charts, enabling quick and easy assessment.
  6. Proactive Management: The platform includes alerts and guidance for users on managing token usage effectively, especially in cases where they are nearing or have exceeded their token limits.
  7. Full Control and Transparency: This feature empowers users with full visibility and control over their token usage, promoting responsible and efficient utilization of resources.

Overall, Token Usage Visualization is an essential tool for StackSpot AI users, ensuring they can optimize their use of tokens, stay within their budget, and fully leverage the StackSpot AI platform's capabilities.