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FinOps - Cost Allocation Tags Filters #79

Open fernandesZup opened 7 months ago

fernandesZup commented 7 months ago


For the Cost Allocation Tags feature, we are focused on further expanding the capabilities offered to our users. In the first version, we achieved the ability to read Tags created by customers, using aggregators, date calendars, and presenting the cost per service. In this new version, we aim to provide our users with new capabilities and perspectives. We plan to introduce advanced filters, including segmentation by type and a comprehensive filter that encompasses all characteristics. In addition to the new filters, our goal is to increase the level of detail of service costs in the listing, providing a more refined granularity.


Para a funcionalidade de Cost Allocation Tags, estamos concentrados em expandir ainda mais as capacidades oferecidas aos nossos usuários. Na primeira versão, conseguimos a habilidade de ler as Tags criadas pelos clientes, utilizando agregadores, calendários por data e apresentando o custo por serviço. Nesta nova versão, buscamos proporcionar aos nossos usuários novas capacidades e perspectivas. Planejamos introduzir filtros avançados, incluindo a segmentação por tipo e um filtro abrangente que englobe todas as características. Além dos novos filtros, nosso objetivo é aumentar o nível de detalhe dos custos dos serviços na listagem, proporcionando uma granularidade mais refinada.

Intended Outcome

The intended outcome is to enhance user experience and analytical capabilities within the Cost Allocation Tags feature. By introducing advanced filters and increasing the granularity of service costs, users will have more flexibility and insight into their cloud expenses. The comprehensive filter and refined details aim to empower users with a comprehensive and detailed view, enabling them to make more informed decisions regarding resource allocation and cost management.

How It Will Work

Preview Feature


