stackTom / FSEarthTiles

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ScenProc #26

Open perficad opened 3 months ago

perficad commented 3 months ago

Hi there - Scenproc does not work in the latest version , so i have rolled back to 2.06, which was last stable with both watermasks working and scenproc.

stackTom commented 3 months ago

Hi, do you see any errors? It should work with 2.08 as I haven't modified the scenproc code for a while now.

Can you try your fsearthtiles.ini from 2.06 into 2.08 and see if it works?

Artpom commented 3 months ago

For me it works - v2.08

perficad commented 3 months ago

Hi again - thanks for the replies - despite it not working all of yesterday - I have just given 2.08 another go and now ScenProc seems to be working today - very strange!

stackTom commented 3 months ago

FSET just calls scenproc and passes it the default scripts and data. It really does nothing else so it scenproc is crashing etc, probably a scenproc issue :). The developer, Arno, is very good at answering questions in fsdeveloper forum. To me, scenproc is just black magic as I have no idea how it works nor how to create scripts for it.