This will not be so crucial with release branches, but is nonetheless sensible as it will make it easier to cherry-pick any release-related bugfixes from main into the release branch.
End of the release cycle (Release day)
#### Technical tasks
- [x] Create release branches for docker-images (see stackable-utils for script to create branches)
- [x] Create release tag(s) for docker-images (see stackable-utils for scripts to create tags)
- [x] Create release branches for operators (see stackable-utils for script to create branches)
- [x] Create release tag(s) for operators (see stackable-utils for scripts to create tags)
- [x] Update changelogs in main branches (see stackable-utils for script to do this)
- [x] Create release tag for stackable-cockpit (optional, highly experimental, requires manual tag creation)
- [ ]
- [x] Check getting started scripts (use a table in Nuclino)
- [x] Check (new) stackablectl Stacks and Demos (use a table in Nuclino)
- [x] Test with locally updated (to new release number) `releases.yaml`
- [x] Update `release.yaml` :
- [x] Check that an upgrade can be performed on an existing cluster without data loss.
- [x] ~~Run all the test suites~~
#### Documentation tasks
- [ ]
- [x] Upgrade guide: Document how to use stackablectl to uninstall all and install new release
- [x] Upgrade guide: Document how to use helm to uninstall all and install new release
- [x] Upgrade guide: Every breaking change of all our operators
- [x] Upgrade guide: List dropped supported product versions (if there are some)
- [x] Upgrade guide: List dropped supported operators (if there are some)
- [x] Upgrade guide: List supported k8s versions
- [x] Update version of main documentation repo (@fhennig can assist)
- [x] Set the release to "Released" in the Feature Tracker and create a new release
- [x] Update the getting-started page in the main docs and check it works with this release:
- [x] Add a note about the upcoming (but unknown) TLS CRD changes
- [ ]
Marketing tasks can now reference published documentation.
#### Marketing tasks
- [x] Write marketing / customer oriented release summary to be published in the marketing channels
- [x] Update the homepage banner (as long as we have it) to point to the new release
- [x] Write a blogpost / news article announcing the new release (optional)
- [ ] ~~Write a description of new demos for homepage/demos section~~ No new demos in this release.
- [x] Announce Release on linkedIn
- [x] Announce Release in Newsletter (optional)
- [x] Post an announcement in the GitHub [Discussions Announcement forum]( and make it a pinned discussion while at the same time removing the old pinned thread @adwk67: draft is here:
- [x] Post an announcement in Discord
- [x] Post an announcement on DOK Community in the #be-shameless Channel (Ping Lars or Jim)
- [x] Post an announcement via OSBA (Ping Lars)
- [x] Send announcement to Kubernetes Podcast (Ping Lars)
- [x] Send announcement to Heise
- [x] Ping the stackable-ionos-tech channel or anyone responsible once all tags are created
### Post-release tasks
- [x] Bump Rust version. This can be done [in this file]( by changing `rust_version` and also for the ubi base image [here]( Please be aware that this action will change it for all repositories at the same time (when merging the templating PRs).
- [x] Doesn't work. Renovate is not automatable ~~Run renovate manually by starting this action:
- [x] Check/bump versions of kube-rs and k8s-openapi (also checking the version of k8s we build against)
- [x] Check/bump ubi8 base image
- [x] preflight now checks automatically it's own version and only runs if latest ~~Check/bump preflight~~
- [ ]
- [x] ~~Define product versions to include in the next release~~ We have a meeting planned.
- [ ]
Stackable Release 24.3
Known issues
Release checklists
Feature freeze
This will not be so crucial with release branches, but is nonetheless sensible as it will make it easier to cherry-pick any release-related bugfixes from main into the release branch.
End of the release cycle (Release day)
Marketing tasks can now reference published documentation.