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OLM Manifests for release 24.11 #676

Open razvan opened 3 days ago

razvan commented 3 days ago



Please follow this list in order at least until the zookeeper-operator before parallelizing. Operator Maintainer Branch Kuttl Tests Cert Pipeline Notes
commons @razvan stackable-commons-24.11.0
secret @razvan stackable-secret-24.11.0
listener @razvan stackable-listener-24.11.0
zookeeper @razvan stackable-zookeeper-24.11.0
hdfs @razvan stackable-hdfs-24.11.0
hive @adwk67 stackable-hive-24.11.0
hbase @adwk67 stackable-hbase-24.11.0
opa @adwk67 stackable-opa-24.11.0
druid @adwk67 stackable-druid-24.11.0
kafka @adwk67 stackable-kafka-24.11.0
nifi @adwk67 stackable-nifi-24.11.0
spark @adwk67 stackable-spark-24.11.0
superset @razvan stackable-superset-24.11.0
airflow @razvan stackable-airflow-24.11.0
trino @adwk67 stackable-trino-24.11.0


Part of:

This is a list of steps you can follow to generate, install and test Operator Lifecycle Management (OLM) manifests for the Stackable Data Platform.

The manigest generation is fully automated for all operators except two: the secret and the listener operator. These two required manual intervention.

OLM manifests can be generated at any time and for any version of the operators (including 0.0.0-dev) but it's specially needed after a platform release, to certify the new operator versions.

To generate manifests for a released version of the SDP, ensure that you checkout the appropriate branch of the operator repository and the openshift operator repository.


In addition to the usual development tools like git and Python you need to clone the following repositories, idealy in the same location (this guide assumes $HOME/repo/stackable):

This issue assumes you are generating OLM manifests for a released SDP version with the intention of certifying it. This means:

Secret and listener operator

Generate manifests


Install manifests


All other operators

These operators shouldn't require any manual editing of the manifests but a visual check is recommended.

The steps are illustrated only once for the ZooKeeper operator but a list of all operators to work on is added below.

Generate manifests

See ./olm/ --help for possible options.

Install manifests

./olm/ \
-r 24.3.0 \
-o zookeeper \
-c ~/repo/stackable/openshift-certified-operators \

Test the operator

Run the openshit integration test suite for the operator

 cd ~/repo/stackable/zookeeper-operator
 /scripts/run-tests --test-suite openshift --skip-release

We use --skip-release because the operator has already been installed previously.