stackabletech / spark-k8s-operator

Operator for Apache Spark-on-Kubernetes for Stackable Data Platform
49 stars 2 forks source link

Switch to workspace dependencies #270

Closed sbernauer closed 11 months ago

sbernauer commented 11 months ago


Please add a description here. This will become the commit message of the merge request later.

Definition of Done Checklist

# Author
- [ ] Changes are OpenShift compatible
- [ ] CRD changes approved
- [ ] Helm chart can be installed and deployed operator works
- [ ] Integration tests passed (for non trivial changes)
# Reviewer
- [ ] Code contains useful comments
- [ ] (Integration-)Test cases added
- [ ] Documentation added or updated
- [ ] Changelog updated
- [ ] Cargo.toml only contains references to git tags (not specific commits or branches)
# Acceptance
- [ ] Feature Tracker has been updated
- [ ] Proper release label has been added