stackabletech / spark-k8s-operator

Operator for Apache Spark-on-Kubernetes for Stackable Data Platform
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Add additional Spark Properties via Configmap #388

Open therealslimjp opened 2 months ago

therealslimjp commented 2 months ago

As a user I want to be able to pass spark properties, which might be the same over multiple sparkApplications (e.g. kerberos settings), via a configmap to the spark-submit command. Using this, I save effort and complexity repeatedly defining the same spark properties over and over when writing sparkApplications.

I tried to do some hacks to mock this behavior with mounting a spark-defaults.conf (which won't work because the spark-driver already mounts on /opt/spark/conf and thus I can't mount it there because the location is not unique) or passing a --properties-file (which also does not work because a --properties-file is already passed inherently)