stackcollision / GardenConquest

A new conquest game mode for Space Engineers
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Unlicensed Worker and Fighter Spawn Ships #79

Open zrisher opened 9 years ago

zrisher commented 9 years ago

It would be awesome if the Spawn Ships provided examples of how to make a worker and a fighter with unlicensed classifiers. I've raised my unlicensed limit to 3 to support new player's feeling that they want an unlicensed foundry, worker, and fighter before they have to start competing for licenses.

zrisher commented 8 years ago

We're looking to do a re-do of spawn ships overall. Post your suggested designs here.

ExpendableOne23 commented 8 years ago

Chocolate sent me a link to this and I'd like to submit a small spawn ship design. I basically made a barebones small ship that contains enough material to make a starter base (Refinery, reactor, assembler, oxygen generator) and has enough spare materials to be converted into either a fighter or a miner. I have yet to add ammo to the blueprint and the beacons are just faux hull classifiers (Don't have the mod installed at the moment). I am also developing a new spawn ship that isn't so prone to being one shot by rockets and isn't that great for ramming into things.

Simple Small Spawn Ship (S4!)

Fighter example

Miner Example

zrisher commented 8 years ago

An entry from MrZSFG

ExpendableOne23 commented 8 years ago

This is my large ship spawn example. At 123 blocks, it's very close to the limit. It has a couple oxygen bottles and rifles with ammo but not much else. Can be slectivley ground down to make a mining vessel.

Large Spawn Example

zrisher commented 8 years ago

Raideur's fighter spawn ship:

Reg spawn ship: 78 Blocks, Assembler, Refinery, Ore Detector, Battery, Reactor, Drill, 23mm Turret, Oxy Gen Everything someone needs to start Just put ammo, ice, fuel, and spare parts in it and its ready to go.

ExpendableOne23 commented 8 years ago

Dude I love Taiidan stuff. I never liked playing as Higaara. That's a neat little ship, but if that's a spawn ship won't that just encourage players to just spawn in those and never set up a base? Or at least they'll spawn one every 30 minutes and patrol the CPs. That'll cheapen the combat engineering aspect (why make large ships when a decent fighter is free and can cripple a much more expensive ship) and make it even harder for new players trying to hit up a smaller CP for the starting few licenses they need.

I'm an advocate for making the players work a little bit for pvp. That little speedbump will prevent abuse and trolling.

zrisher commented 8 years ago


I agree, spawn ships should leave you wanting "something more". But if we accomplish the two things above this would probably be ok right? I wouldn't want a spawn ship to have anything more serious than some 23s on it, but if we fix the weapon system those should be pitiful against large ships. You can also provide very little ammo.

zrisher commented 8 years ago

Chickenbranches's ship:

has a turret, drill, collector, grav gen, and cockpit connected to conveyor or oxygen doesn't have ice or bottles or ammo in it yet

MrZSFG commented 8 years ago

had a go at building a large respawn ship

chickenbranches commented 8 years ago

We need to have main cockpit set by default if possible to help new players be able to stop their ship if they d/c or mistakenly hit t at high speed with damp off. New players will not think to set it at the start.

MrZSFG commented 8 years ago

i can do that to my ships

MrZSFG commented 8 years ago

also if any one has an idea for a spawn ship i can give a try at makeing it