stackcollision / GardenConquest

A new conquest game mode for Space Engineers
6 stars 7 forks source link

License Spawning events #89

Open zrisher opened 9 years ago

zrisher commented 9 years ago

This idea is pretty popular with our player base:

Every X minutes with N or more people online, spawn a ship that has a nice amount of licenses in it. Maybe give it a turret or two. Definitely let it despawn quickly. Make it a rush to go take it out and get the licenses, a la Air Drops in Rust or Cargo Ships with valuable resources.

zrisher commented 9 years ago

Accompanied by notifications letting people know the event is coming/ongoing, a la the Air Drop sound.

zrisher commented 9 years ago

These should include ammo too, some less expensive for smaller value drops, more expensive for higher value drops

MrZSFG commented 8 years ago

hmm i really like the idea just scared of only one group being able to get them EX:(factiona A has a battle ship and other large ships, faction B only has fighter can't make any thing bigger :l just a thought unlikey to really happen)

togosh commented 8 years ago
