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Item mention notifications #1208

Closed ekzyis closed 3 weeks ago

ekzyis commented 1 month ago


This adds notifications if one of your posts or comments were mentioned.

I also added parsing of references as #<itemId> to links so internal references are now linked both ways. This means that #1234 will now be parsed as a link to (see d449d8bf).

Related to but doesn't close it since this PR is only about notifications



Additional Context

I initially wanted to include the type of item that was referred in the title. So if someone referred to a post of yours, it would show one of your posts was mentioned instead of one of your comments was mentioned. However, that made the code more complicated (see d9740250).

I now use items to mean both but I think that's not a good name since it might be confusing for stackers what we mean by that. I thought about using "submissions" instead but that's a completely new term so maybe even more confusing.


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huumn commented 3 weeks ago

I get a ton of false positives from #<num> being an item link now. I had five false positive item mentions this morning from people sharing github release notes.

I recall talking about this in the past and that we were going to wait until # autocompleted like @ ... it'd allow us to distinguish between someone saying "I'm #1" and someone want to share #1.