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Can't withdraw sats to Alby Extension #1222

Closed Gudnessuche closed 3 weeks ago

Gudnessuche commented 3 weeks ago

Description Withdrawal difficulty to alby extension wallet

Steps to Reproduce Try withdrawing sats to a connected alby extension

Expected behavior The loader keeps buffering until the copy is clicked and then a message pops up with how much has been sent, but nothing's recieved on the alby end

Screenshots Screenshot 2024-06-04 192259

Environment: I used my PC for both SN and Alby extension

Additional context Help check if this is an alby problem, or if I must attach wallet first

huumn commented 3 weeks ago

If we say it's sent, then Alby has your money. This issue is on Alby's end. We don't control their wallet.

Gudnessuche commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for that clarification