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WebVR #2

Open hughsk opened 9 years ago

hughsk commented 9 years ago

With WebVR picking up speed, it'd be interesting to start investigating supporting it with a small collection of modules. Namely:

deathcap commented 9 years ago

Calculating the projection matrices for each eye of a HMD, as seen in WebVRRenderer.

gl-mat4 now has perspectiveFromFieldOfView to help with this, accepts a field of view object from WebVR getRecommendedEyeFieldOfView. Used it in voxel-vr but may be worth pulling out some of this code into a generic (non-voxel.js) stackgl module.

Post-processing shaders for barrel distortion, vignettes, and shifting RGB channels.

With WebVR the browser/platform is expected to perform the barrel distortion vignette (source:, once the web app requests fullscreening to the VR device. But this still might be useful for VR without WebVR (Google Cardboard? or Oculus Rift on non-WebVR (current) browsers). References:

nickdesaulniers commented 8 years ago

I'm happy to start taking a look at this.

yoshuawuyts commented 8 years ago

@nickdesaulniers :grin:

nickdesaulniers commented 8 years ago

In particular, first, I'd like to abstract a first person camera to use:

It then spits out a view and project matrix for each eye.