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glsl-js donation #31

Closed dy closed 7 years ago

dy commented 8 years ago

@hughsk @chrisdickinson @mattdesl @mikolalysenko hello!

I’m finishing glsl → js compiler, it is going to be a RC soon, the most significant part is ready. I would like to donate this project to stack-gl, as it fits here. Could you please have a look and tell what are necessary enhancements.

Demo is coming.

Looking forward.


dy commented 8 years ago

Maybe call it glsl-compiler to be in row with glsl-parser, glsl-deparser and glsl-tokenizer?

hughsk commented 8 years ago

Hey @dfcreative! That'd be awesome, thanks :D Maybe glsl-transpiler would work best? Let me know if you'd like us to add you to the org and we can transfer it over on GitHub/npm when you're ready!

dy commented 8 years ago

I’m ready to transfer as soon as you authorize me). I’m thinking that glsl-transpiler is a good name, considering that there is glsl.js already doing similarly the same, so avoiding name confusion is good. There is no direct rigid dependents of this package, so changing the name should not be the case.

hughsk commented 8 years ago

:tada: done!