when trying to create a load balancer with the provider (Version 0.11.0) I get the following error during apply:
An error occurred: terraform apply: terraform apply: exit status 1
Error: Value Conversion Error
with module.stackit_loadbalancer[0].stackit_loadbalancer.example,
on modules/stackit_loadbalancer/main.tf line 10, in resource "stackit_loadbalancer" "example":
10: resource "stackit_loadbalancer" "example" {
An unexpected error was encountered while verifying an attribute value
matched its expected type to prevent unexpected behavior or panics. This is
always an error in the provider. Please report the following to the provider
Expected framework type from provider logic:
types.ObjectType["use_source_ip_address":basetypes.BoolType] / underlying
type: tftypes.Object["use_source_ip_address":tftypes.Bool]
Received framework type from provider logic: types.ObjectType[] / underlying
type: tftypes.Object[]
Path: target_pools[0].session_persistence
The load balancer is defined as follows:
resource "stackit_loadbalancer" "example" {
project_id = "XXX"
name = "${var.name}-lb"
target_pools = [
for portName, port in var.ports : {
name = "target-pool-${portName}"
target_port = port
targets = [
for ip in var.member_ips : {
display_name = "target-${portName}"
ip = ip
active_health_check = {
healthy_threshold = 10
interval = "3s"
interval_jitter = "3s"
timeout = "3s"
unhealthy_threshold = 10
listeners = [
for portName, port in var.ports : {
name = "listener-${portName}"
port = port
protocol = "PROTOCOL_TCP"
target_pool = "target-pool-${portName}"
networks = [
network_id = var.network_id
external_address = var.external_address
options = {
private_network_only = false
Note that when quering the StackIT API under https://load-balancer.api.eu01.stackit.cloud/v1/projects/XXX/load-balancers
the load balancer is created with the following status:
when trying to create a load balancer with the provider (Version 0.11.0) I get the following error during apply:
The load balancer is defined as follows:
Note that when quering the StackIT API under
the load balancer is created with the following status: