stackroute / atom-css-spy

Atom plugin that makes html/css development much easier.
MIT License
9 stars 0 forks source link

Uncaught TypeError: Array.prototype.indexOf called on null or undefined #5

Open calvinda opened 8 years ago

calvinda commented 8 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom Version: 1.5.4 System: Mac OS X 10.11.2 Thrown From: css-spy package, v0.5.1

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Array.prototype.indexOf called on null or undefined

At /Users/calvinda/.atom/packages/css-spy/lib/

TypeError: Array.prototype.indexOf called on null or undefined
    at indexOf (native)
    at /Users/calvinda/.atom/packages/css-spy/lib/
    at /Users/calvinda/.atom/packages/css-spy/lib/
    at Function.module.exports.Emitter.simpleDispatch (/Applications/
    at Emitter.module.exports.Emitter.emit (/Applications/
    at /Applications/


     -1:45.3.0 core:copy (
     -1:44.4.0 core:paste (
     -1:40.8.0 core:backspace (
     -1:39.2.0 core:save (
  2x -1:16.3.0 tree-view:copy (
     -1:13.2.0 tree-view:paste (ol.tree-view.full-menu.list-tree.has-collapsable-children.focusable-panel)
     -1:06.1.0 tree-view:move (
     -0:59.6.0 core:backspace (
     -0:58.6.0 core:confirm (
 13x -0:54.4.0 core:backspace (


  "core": {
    "disabledPackages": [
    "themes": [

Installed Packages

# User
Atom-Syntax-highlighting-for-Sass, v0.5.0
Sass-Syntax-Highlight, v0.1.1
atom-beautify, v0.28.22
atom-react-native-css, v0.0.4
auto-id-class, v0.2.6
autoclose-html, v0.23.0
autocomplete-paths, v1.0.2
autocomplete-sass, v0.1.0
ax-monokai-syntax, v0.1.0
color-picker, v2.1.1
css-spy, v0.5.1
gtk-dark-theme, v0.1.4
language-SCSS, v0.4.0
minimap, v4.19.0
minimap-find-and-replace, v4.4.0
pigments, v0.24.0
project-manager, v2.7.5
recent-projects, v0.9.5
seti-ui, v0.8.1
terminal-plus, v0.14.5

# Dev
No dev packages