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Blockstack auth hard to find #148

Open larrysalibra opened 4 years ago

larrysalibra commented 4 years ago

As I wrote in my post on the death of Jabber, it is critical to our success that users form a strong mental model of Blockstack ID & Blockstack Auth. In our current app mining set, every app uses a different method of presenting Sign in with Blockstack. Some apps use a branded button that mentions Blockstack. Other apps use language such as "get started." This lack of consistency doesn't help us in building this mental model. In the current state, users can't have some basic expectation of what to look for if they want the benefits of a Blockstack app.

Proposal: We develop a set of branding, button placement and language requirements so that Sign in with Blockstack is presented consistently across apps and incorporate this into the review process.

friedger commented 4 years ago

The guidelines should distinguish between landing/product page and first page of the app.

See also #100

Walterion01 commented 4 years ago

@jeffdomke As we worked on apps and heard their voice about how they want such a thing. If you like, we will be happy to make a design proposal as a concept for this issue.

dantrevino commented 4 years ago

Jasper has already made some signin buttons:

We would likely just need to supplement these with Android and iOS variants.

friedger commented 4 years ago

Reading through the post, I understand that this issue is about raising awareness for the concept of decentralized identity and authentication and storage. Shouldn't we promote the concept of DIDs in general instead of the specific ID provided through Blockstack?

We should make the branding such that users that visited e.g. don't need any more explanation when visiting a Blockstack app.

kkomaz commented 4 years ago

Shouldn't we promote the concept of DIDs in general instead of the specific ID provided through Blockstack?

To echo what @friedger is saying... What are we trying to accomplish with this proposal?

As an independent reviewer shouldn't the criteria be focused on making sure apps are utilizing gaia in a meaningful way and creating a decentralized identity?

This seems more like a branding of Blockstack identity vs. decentralized identity debate. It would be great to clarify what the actual issue is and what we're trying to accomplish.

To me, as long as user creates a DID in any form possible, we satisfy the NIL requirement. If you're requiring we need to say "Blockstack" in our authentication process flow, a better explanation on what those benefits are would be greatly appreciated. There are apps that currently exist that have multiple authentication flows so to label as "Blockstack Apps" wouldn't be fair.

larrysalibra commented 4 years ago

I understand that this issue is about raising awareness for the concept of decentralized identity and authentication and storage

No, the goal is raising awareness for Blockstack ID - a specific decentralized identity standard and Gaia, a specific storage standard.

Shouldn't we promote the concept of DIDs in general instead of the specific ID provided through Blockstack?

as long as user creates a DID in any form possible

You don't build interoperable networks and systems based on general concepts - constraints define a system.

A user or app developer given an arbitrary DID can't do anything unless a bunch of other components exist. A user given a Blockstack ID can sign into an app that supports Blockstack Auth.

friedger commented 4 years ago

You don't build interoperable networks and systems based on general concepts - constraints define a system.

@larrysalibra To make it more concrete, are you saying we shouldn't teach users about DIDs (=email), but only about Blockstack (=Gmail)?

I would like to teach users that if they sign up for blockstack they create an identity that they can use for encrypting and storing their data. And this will also hold for other DID providers that connect to identity hubs.

jcnelson commented 4 years ago

No, the goal is raising awareness for Blockstack ID - a specific decentralized identity standard and Gaia, a specific storage standard.

I second this.

@larrysalibra To make it more concrete, are you saying we shouldn't teach users about DIDs (=email), but only about Blockstack (=Gmail)?

It's the DIF's responsibility to raise awareness of DIDs, not ours. However, Blockstack helps the DIF in this manner. Blockstack sits on the DIF steering committee and supplies a standards-compliant DID specification and implementation to the DIF (and now the W3C). The folks who maintain Blockstack Core will continue to support the Blockstack DID specification for the foreseeable future, and will do their best to comply with the standards as they evolve.

I would like to teach users that if they sign up for blockstack they create an identity that they can use for encrypting and storing their data. And this will also hold for other DID providers that connect to identity hubs.

This is not true for all DID methods. The DID spec does not require that the DDO or any associated user data be encrypted at all, nor stored on user-controlled hosts. In fact, the DID spec paradoxically does not require the DID to be maintained on a decentralized public ledger (it may be maintained on a "permissioned" ledger, and may even be maintained via DNS or some other centralized issuer), nor does the DID spec describe how or even if the DID's history is made available.

The Blockstack auth protocol and reference implementation go above and beyond what is mandated by the DID specification -- both by mandating at the protocol level that users choose where the authoritative replicas of their data (i.e. DDO and such) are stored, and by providing straightforward APIs to encrypt and decrypt data end-to-end.

friedger commented 4 years ago

From the above discussion it becomes clear that this issue is about "Branding with Blockstack".

If you're requiring we need to say "Blockstack" in our authentication process flow, a better explanation on what those benefits are would be greatly appreciated.

DID auth is not well defined and the current understanding is that it is a challenge-response protocol, i.e. uses a server. Hence, the main benefit in using Blockstack auth is that the authentication flow works offline (once you have the app code) and that the result of the auth flow is the user profile and a private key that only this user can generate.

Some ideas to clarify/simplify the review:

Notes: A button can also be a menu or clickable text. Localization of labels are supported and encouraged.

The reviewer will give different score for

Non-compliant apps are not eligible.

dantrevino commented 4 years ago
  • the app shall have a button with the blockstack icon and label "Choose Blockstack ID". The design of the button shall follow the design given in
  • from start url (as defined in the web manifest) the button shall be reached in at most two clicks/touchs
  • the app shall have a button with label "Forget Blockstack ID"
  • if the landing page (as defined for product hand) is different to the start url the landing page shall have a button "Start with Blockstack"

Why "Choose Blockstack ID"/"Forget Blockstack ID"??? I understand that the reality is that we are authorizing applications to access our data, not technically "logging in" to apps ... but this just further distances Blockstack apps from users.

I 100% agree in principle, but would argue that we will add to user confusion if we do not use the well known "Sign in(Log in)"/"Sign out (Log out)" pattern.

"Sign in with Blockstack" and "Sign out" should be enough.

cuevasm commented 4 years ago

I generally don't think the issue at hand (ala educating users such that they can benefit from Blockstack fully), is something that will be solved (or even helped all that much) with button branding or placement guidelines. What we try to put on the user upfront vs. later on is really important - try to do too much at the beginning and you create extra friction that can stifle growth. Do nothing and....what? Users don't fully grasp 100% of Blockstack all in one go? So? The mental model development and reinforcement can come throughout the app experience as they access more and more value from using it and eventually others. @markmhx's recent user testing would support what I'm saying here pretty convincingly.

I could easily argue that allowing the developers to choose the verbiage that best suits their app, (given this is right in the front of their experience) would result in better conversion of users and we should be optimizing for that at this point in the ecosystem.

If an app provides value, the user will keep coming back regardless of their level of knowledge on Blockstack. As they continue using it, their chances of being exposed to other apps and further value is pretty high, not sure we should get too caught up in trying to inundate and convert them all upfront with the whole enchilada. Gotta bring some folks along slower or risk not getting them at all.

Even if I fully buy this (I don't) and accept it...."To apply this lesson to Blockstack, the project with which I am most familiar, users need to have an understanding of what a Blockstack ID is and what characteristics it has. They also need to have an understanding of what a Gaia storage hub is, that they have control over this data and what this gives them."

...I don't think it needs to happen at first engagement or at the login/sign in area. App value and user experience/ease should come first so that conversion and then this education can happen effectively over time. Slapping 'Sign in with Blockstack' on the front of everything consistently doesn't accomplish anything in and of itself.

friedger commented 4 years ago

Slapping 'Sign in with Blockstack' on the front of everything consistently doesn't accomplish anything in and of itself.

At least it helps NIL to review the apps more easily. (see title)

larrysalibra commented 4 years ago

As they continue using it, their chances of being exposed to other apps and further value is pretty high

I don’t follow. If app users use an app that use some tech or system they they’re never told about and don’t know about, how does that increase their chance of using other apps that use the same tech or system?

stackatron commented 4 years ago

@larrysalibra agree with the general intention here. Research @markmhx is doing could lead to pretty radical adjustment of the wording/framing of this concept. Hesitant to formalize until we know that standard is effective.

Proposal 1: Icebox this for now. In the future, user success team can take on the task of defining the App Mining official "initial login UX pattern" and creating guidelines around it.

Proposal 2: Can you point out a few specifics of where apps are not displaying Blockstack login in good faith, maybe we can formulate a few guidelines for what we won't allow vs. trying to define everything.