stacks-archive / app-mining

For App Mining landing page development and App Mining operations.
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Mystery User Reviewer #184

Open stackatron opened 4 years ago

stackatron commented 4 years ago

Solves the same problem as with a different solution.

Overall problem:

What we need is a way to reward meaningful progress on apps. This is hard to objectively measure. And if we did objectively measure it, it would likely be game-able.

Game-able objective measures:

Here are the suggestions from the proof-of-progress thread simply to illustrate the point:

In my opinion our true objective is to reward apps that provide value to users as measured by retention. Since we are delayed on retention, I'll propose a temporary, secondary objective: Reward apps that make quality improvements that benefit users. This is a subjective goal, and so I suggest we use subjective measures for scoring.

Mystery User Reviewer

@jcnelson thought of this reviewer. He was inspired by Mystery Shoppers that provide quality metrics for retail experiences.


Monthly run

Mystery User Reviewer uses random selection to pick 5 Testers. Each Tester will:


Tallying likes (+1) and dislikes (-1) across all apps to create raw score.

Abstract considerations:

On the process side of things:

joshthegreatavenue commented 4 years ago

Mysterious reviewer sounds like a good idea in theory but here is the catch.

  1. Are the mysterious reviewer alike TMUI?
  2. How can we ensure they have no conflict of interest among the Dapps they are reviewing ?
  3. Are these mysterious reviewer users themselves?
  4. There must be at least 50 or more Mysterious person in this reviewer since I am guessing they are probably normal people. More people equates to better score distribution.
joberding commented 4 years ago

I agree with Josh's point on Mystery Shoppers being users. That should be verified. We have had a problem with TMUI providing testers who claim that they are a specific category of users but are not.

stackatron commented 4 years ago

no conflict of interest

This is explained in the proposal. I know it is not perfect, but there is some attempt to review the people.