stacks-archive / app-mining

For App Mining landing page development and App Mining operations.
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Proposal: Introduce a reviewer consortium to review app “Quality” #226

Open muneebm opened 4 years ago

muneebm commented 4 years ago

This proposal is based on #225, #219, #218, #192, #137, #136

Define a higher bar for app mining eligibility: Conduct “Can’t Be Evil” hackathon on a monthly basis - top 5 (?) apps each month can participate in the next app mining period. Improve the hackathon evaluation criteria to include:

  1. Should comply with NIL Cant Be Evil sandbox
  2. Should be a new idea or a significant improvement over an existing app.
  3. Does the app solve a privacy or data ownership problem for the user?, two main advantages of building on Blockstack.

Reviewers: Keep the existing app mining reviewers, NIL, TMUI and Awario.

Introduce a new reviewer to review app “Quality” based on a checklist. Form a reviewer consortium by including the following entities:

  1. Blockstack PBC
  2. App miners
  3. Evangelists
  4. Other community members
  5. Other Web 3 companies such as CasaHODL,, stateofthedapp etc..

Form multiple reviewer groups by including at least one member from each entity listed above.

Each review period, divide the total apps to be reviewed to smaller sets.

Each reviewer group handles one app set.

Each reviewer group evaluate apps based on an agreed upon checklist : Come up with a checklist to evaluate and score the “quality” of an app.

Blockstack PBC with the help of community can come up with a checklist and the score for each checklist item. This checklist should guard against:

(The checklist can also evaluate the items listed in @larrysalibra ’s comment here:

App miners should submit a road map for the next 3 months, reviewers evaluate the committed improvements and also if the miners achieved the committed improvements.

At the end of each review period, the reviewer groups should meet (on Discord?) and decide on the checklist score for each apps assigned to them for review (the discussion and the decision of each reviewer group should be publicly available for the whole community to review).

Reviewers get rewarded in STX for their efforts.

Limit total apps a developer or company can submit to 3 (or some fixed number), if they wanted to submit a new app they have to withdraw one of their existing apps from app mining.

Evaluation and payout every 3 months instead every month (so that miners will get the time to work on their committed app improvements).

Challenges: Coming up with the quality checklist (how to define quality - :)) Scalability Governance