stacks-archive / app-mining

For App Mining landing page development and App Mining operations.
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Monthly app mining schedules can incentivise "bad" UX choices. #231

Open DatasetStudio opened 4 years ago

DatasetStudio commented 4 years ago

What is the problem you are seeing? Please describe. Bad UX choices are being forced an App developers due to app mining schedules.

How is this problem misaligned with goals of app mining? Monthly app mining schedules incentivise bad UX choices, devs are incentivised to get the app published before they would normally. This can result in functionality as a priority and delayed UX/UI design.

What is the explicit recommendation you’re looking to propose?

  1. Submitting an app for mining should be separated from submitting it to UX/UI review.
  2. Founders need to be able to choose when they use the UX review service.
  3. App mining schedule could be weekly instead of monthly, which reduces but doesn't eliminate the incentive to deploy without proper design.
  4. Analyse apps at the end of the period, not at the beginning.

Describe your long term considerations in proposing this change. Please include the ways you can predict this recommendation could go wrong and possible ways mitigate.

  1. It can go wrong because the App mining schedule should be daily not weekly or monthly but practical realities may dictate that.
  2. It can go wrong because there is no organised human oversight.
  3. It's just one change of several that are needed to re-align incentives and any one of them can have unintended consequences.
  4. I am presuming that human-in-the-loop is scalable.
njordhov commented 4 years ago

Perhaps proposal #230 can help by splitting app mining into multiple cohorts that can have staggered starting times.