stacks-archive / app-mining

For App Mining landing page development and App Mining operations.
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Proposal: Define criteria for eligible apps #53

Closed friedger closed 5 years ago

friedger commented 5 years ago

What is the problem you are seeing? Please describe. The system does not describe objective rules or a method that determines whether a submission is eligible or not.

How is this problem misaligned with goals of app mining? The missing rules

What is the explicit recommendation you’re looking to propose? State/document prominently the following rules:

The final decision of eligibility is determined by the "App Mining Committee". The "App Mining Committee" currently consists of employees of Blockstack PBC. The decision of the committee is final. Apps that are not eligible can be re-submitted for the next round. The eligibility of an app can change from one round to the next.

Apps that provide their main functionality via a mobile app or other hardware should submit an eligible app that users can use in a web browser (maybe with limited functionality).

** Long term considerations The above mentioned rules favor web applications over mobile native application because there are indications that mobile web browsers are powerful enough to run the same applications as a desktop web browser, because distribution of mobile native applications are strongly centralized

The App Mining Committee could consist of community members that are nominated by the community, maybe on a rotating basis. The committee could consult the community.

Additional context

Paper/talk submissions to conferences are following a similar procedure via program committees.

friedger commented 5 years ago

Current documentation is in the App mining FAQ.

This is partly improved in It should be part of the app mining documentation

fiatexodus commented 5 years ago

@friedger interesting proposal. Here are some thoughts that pertain to the discussion:

Your proposal makes sense for the current state of Blockstack, but to me it doesn't make sense for the direction that I think Blockstack may want to go (maximizing users and the experience). You're certainly right about the centralized nature of App Distribution (and we can extend that to push notifications etc.), but then again there's a lot of centralization in Blockstack Web Apps too (i.e. DNS, number of current GAIA nodes, etc.)

friedger commented 5 years ago

@AC-FTW There are efforts on all browser platforms to improve the use of web apps on mobile devices. Recently, the Google Play store opened for (good) web apps, Microsoft Store is already for a long time. This all indicates that web apps will come to mobile devices in the long run.

The proposal is meant for the current state of Blockstack, now. And should be adjusted as we move on. @AC-FTW How would you define eligible apps?

stackatron commented 5 years ago

@friedger We're updating the FAQ with a couple of these. Others are already in the documentation. Guess I'm a bit confused on the intention here? Changing the rules or improving communication of existing rules?

fiatexodus commented 5 years ago

@friedger I think you know more than I do about the state of web apps on mobile, but I'd still bet their popularity and wide spread adoption is a long way off if ever in the NA market. In markets where censorship resistance is a priority, I think that the information you mentioned is excellent news.

As for your question:

How would you define eligible apps?

I agree with everything you said up until you made the Web platform a requirement, for the reasons I mentioned earlier. I also think that there may need to be some additional rules around:

However, that's not too much of an issue yet.

GinaAbrams commented 5 years ago

We've updated the FAQ to reflect the app mining eligibility. We also performed an audit and removed several apps from the running for this month that were lacking a functionality. Think this should help, so I will close this issue in about 5 days or so unless there are other large objections.