stacks-archive / app-mining

For App Mining landing page development and App Mining operations.
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Democracy Earth: Ask investors for feedback on apps #66

Closed friedger closed 5 years ago

friedger commented 5 years ago

What is the problem you are seeing? Please describe. App publishers do not get any feedback why the received up or down votes

How is this problem misaligned with goals of app mining? App publishers can't improve their product because the rating of DE is not backed by information

What is the explicit recommendation you’re looking to propose?

Additional context Mentioned in and

blockcred commented 5 years ago

Totally agree In addition ... DE has no tools for filtering or ranking to help App miners to get better insights on the spot, everyone should go manually and calculate his position according to others. No notification received for any action (upvote, downvote, debates opened ... etc )

jyudkin1 commented 5 years ago

I think the real issue here above all is retention on Dem.Earth voters .... there is a memory function problem. Someone scores something 2 months ago, allocates all of their votes, and does not come back. Huge advantage for early miners - huge disadvantage for new apps.

I think that engagement would solve these issues of transparency. Miners are operating under an assumption of active participation, when in reality it is not that active (from what we can tell). This is a simple fix.

cryptocracy commented 5 years ago

Require voters to post at least a one liner.

YES PLZ! ... With indications that goes over why, or why they didn't vote on the app: This A gives us feedback to work with, as well as B gives confidence we are actually being reviewed. (as someone who experienced multiple months straight with a deafening silence on DE, i can tell you its frustrating, especially when Cryptocracy is actually some what similar to DE itself)

GinaAbrams commented 5 years ago

This is an interesting idea for the future. The team has been heads down working on a test of quadratic voting so this will not be implemented for this round (full transparency, nor will quadratic voting, but it is in progress). Think a good next step would be to stack rank this potential feature with other requests of the platform and have a list to proceed for the coming months.

GinaAbrams commented 5 years ago

Closing this given the decision on #92.