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Add App Mining registration instructions for developers #203

Open markmhendrickson opened 6 years ago

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

We need to provide instructions for developers to register for App Mining by completing the following steps:

All of the above steps must be completed before the start of any month in which the developer expects to receive earnings. Otherwise, their app will not be eligible for either ranking by reviewers nor receipt of earnings for that month.

The existing admin page for an app needs to add the following inputs under a new section for App Mining:

Only apps that have both the above checkbox checked and a value entered for the BTC address – as well as categorized under the "Blockstack" platform – should be included in the CSV file downloaded by the administrator at the start of the month:


Path: /mining/developer-instructions

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

I've updated this issue to frame the instructions as necessary for App Mining "registration" more explicitly, and the requirement for all steps involved has been moved up to the first of every month.

Note how this is a more calendar-standardized approach than we discussed yesterday wherein we were thinking that we could wait until the 15th of the month for apps to complete KYC and BTC address meta tag placement.

It also has the advantage of filtering out any apps at the start of the month that haven't completed steps so reviewers don't end up ranking them only to find out we can't pay them later in the month. This minimizes ambiguity even if we don't technically need to have KYC or BTC address receipt done by the 15th of the month for our operational procedure.

cc @xanbots @GinaAbrams @pstan26

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

@hstove Where do you think it'd be best to add a checkbox for the administrator to indicate manually when an app has completed KYC? On the current app edit page in the admin dashboard perhaps?

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

I've removed the meta tag technique for obtaining the BTC address of each developer in favor of requesting and receiving the address along with all KYC materials.

Relevant conversation:

cc @xanbots @GinaAbrams @pstan26

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

@jeffdomke Assigning you this issue to get your feedback on the current set of instructions and how they map to an initial design proposal here:

Do you have a sense of where this may live publicly? Perhaps as a sub-path of /mining?

stackatron commented 6 years ago

Yeah, subpath. Maybe /mining/get-started or /instructions

"Submit your app" Personal thing, I feel like "Submit" is almost never the right word in these cases, would suggest "Add your app to"

Would be great to say "If you see this indicator, your app is App Mining ready". Maybe it is just directing them to a page that just returns all apps currently ready. That way there is a sense of "I'm done" otherwise I think we'll get a constant stream of "can you confirm I've done all the things?" emails/questions.

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

+1 on changing the verbiage, and I like the idea of showing a list of all registered apps further down on this page – both as a way for developers to confirm they've registered successfully and to provide social proof.

Is there any reason this list shouldn't be public though?

stackatron commented 6 years ago

I was thinking a bigger thought. That all apps that are app mining ready show up on a public page on and are listed in App Mining rank. Or something similar. So if you are App Mining ready you're also on this this page.

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

Oh by "registered apps" here I was meaning registered for App Mining / "App Mining ready", not just registered on So I think we're thinking the same thing?

That said, I wasn't thinking of ranking them in that list necessarily. Are you thinking this would be a composite cross-month ranking basically creating a master leaderboard apart from the monthly rankings?

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

I've added a "Registered apps" section below the top section with instructions so developers can see which apps have been registered successfully, including their own.

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

I've also modified the "Submit" verb in favor of "Add".

markmhendrickson commented 6 years ago

@moxiegirl Mind taking a look at this set of instructions as well?

moxiegirl commented 6 years ago

@markmhx Sure thing. I'll take a look in the morning at the new set and turn it back to you.

moxiegirl commented 6 years ago

@markmhx These instructions imply that "Register for App Mining" is something that a developer has to do each month:

The above steps must be completed before any month in which you'd like to receive rewards

Is that correct? This must be done each month --- even if the developer has not updated the app between one month and the next?

In updating this, I did some research through our existing materials. It was somewhat helpful. For these instructions to make sense, I'll need:

Something to note, we already use the term register with regards to the domain registration. It is confusing to use it here with another meaning. I've used enroll here but submit would have been fine in my opinion. In any case, "register" is problematic.

This is what I have so far.

Enroll in App Mining and Rewards

Application mining pays developers for building decentralized applications (Dapps). Enrolling in app mining also makes your application eligible for rewards. Rewards pays XXXX for XX. Mining payments are provided every XXXX. Rewards are earned every XXXX.

After you enroll, Blockstack verifies your information and your Dapp appears in the list of registered apps. You must enroll by the end of each month to be eligible for the following month.

To apply, do the following:

  1. Integrate Blockstack Auth into your app

  2. Add your app to

    Make sure you choose Blockstack from the Authentication list on the form.

  3. Email Blockstack with the domain you used to register for your app.

    Blockstack will respond via email with a set of verification materials.

  4. Fill out and return the completed verification materials.

    Be sure you provide us with the BTC address for receipt of mining and rewards funds.

  5. Once your enrollment is received, you appear in the enrollment list below.

markmhendrickson commented 5 years ago

@moxiegirl per your question – the app developer has to do all this only once / one time ever, before the first month of perhaps many subsequent ones in which they can earn rewards. They don't have to return every month and repeat the steps, but I see now the confusion you're pointing out. I think it's a good idea to reword this so it's clearer.

Would it be easiest if I somehow share edit access to CodePen with you so you can make all required edits directly to this page in HTML? That way I'm not a blocker and I think this is now better in your hands than mine.

moxiegirl commented 5 years ago

@markmhx the CodePen access would be easiest. Thanks.