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Update installation page for Stacks Wallet for Web #1173

Closed markmhendrickson closed 3 years ago

markmhendrickson commented 3 years ago

We should update with:

cc @jasperjansz

hstove commented 3 years ago

If user visits in non-supported browser, option provided to continue to hosted authenticator but with recommendation to use Firefox and Chrome instead with install

The way the popup auth is setup, this is not possible. Or, at least, it will only work with the redirect method.

It also sounds like this page will require a bunch of custom javascript?

markmhendrickson commented 3 years ago

The way the popup auth is setup, this is not possible

It's not possible to detect the user is visiting from a browser other Firefox or Chromium and display different options for manual selection if so?

It also sounds like this page will require a bunch of custom javascript?

Ideally we'd show the user just what they need to see based on their user agent. But as discussed sync elsewhere, we can go live with a version that shows options for all browser types and have the user select from them, if this requires too much JS for launch.