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What community members are working on today
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Thu, April 27, 2017 #38

Open pstan26 opened 7 years ago

pstan26 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: started order for blockstack-branded computer camera covers, sent media requests to 10 major media sources re: Silicon Valley TV show, confirmed t-shirts and hoodie order for the 3rd time, edited JD for Front End Developer, Sourced a new Video & PR firm that I've worked with before who are very good (, worked on Ryan's presentation for his keynote at DIG SOUTH, Sent over contract for Least Authority, plowed through emails.

Today: catching up on emails, requesting 6 influencers to give lightning talks at our Roundtable at Consensus, sending over Apple Pay NDA and scheduling time to speak with them, working with William M on summit, confirming date for BSK summit, filling out remainder of request-for-apps page to be mirrored to site, sending over FE JD to, working on various community dev items, invite Mike Freedman to consensus (even roundtable)

muneeb-ali commented 7 years ago

Yesterday, prepared and gave this blockchain 101 + blockstack talk. I met Ed Felten and discussed potential upcoming research projects.

Today, focusing on thesis and white paper (expect the same update for many days to come).

shea256 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday I prepared my presentation for Dig South and I worked on operations tasks.

Today I spoke at Dig South and will be going through my task list.

guylepage3 commented 7 years ago

yesterday, worked on presentation graphics and deck as well as design

today, design community co-ordination, atlas grid animation design, design

jcnelson commented 7 years ago

yesterday: integration tests; fixed consensus-breaking bug in virtualchain; tightened schema definitions; removed reliance on "shell-outs" for fast-sync

today: more testing, fixing bugs as we find them; help out with security audit; write up design notes for summer milestones

larrysalibra commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Security review questions, started sanity checks.

Today: More sanity check work including test suite. Helped w/ security audit questions.